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"Kyant tech dat chile nothin' 'bout ridin'", was Jefferson's fiat when he saw Beverly astride her little mouse-colored and white mount. "She paht ob dat hawse!" There had already been several riding lessons since school opened, and each time Jefferson's delight in his newest charges increased.

"'As Ah have told you once befoh, young man, he says, a-lookin' at the tickets. 'Ah can not blame you greatly, because you are paht of yoh times. This is the excuse Ah find foh you in thinking Ah would value money moh than the spohtsmanship of a gentleman. Yoh times are bad, young man! he says. 'They have succeeded in staining the puhple and white at the vehy end.

"All right, lady," said the shoeman. "Them's youa slippas, and I'll just keep 'em for you till the latta paht of August." He drove away, and in the woods which he had to pass through on the road to another hotel he overtook the figure of a man pacing rapidly. He easily recognized Gregory, but he bore him no malice. "Like a lift?" he asked, slowing up beside him. "No, thank you," said Gregory.

But Sophronia jess tuck the rag off'n the bush faw estravagance. Silk dresses, wine, jewelry it's true she mos'ly spent her own green-backs, but thass jess it, you see; I jess had to paht with her, seh! You can asphyxiate that yo'seff, seh. "Now this wife I got now eh?

You pay me what you want to now, and the rest when I come around the latta paht of August." "Oh keep 'em, Clem!" the big girl urged, passionately, and the rest joined her with their entreaties. "I guess I betta not," said Clementina, and she completed the work of taking off the slippers in which the big girl could lend her no further aid, such was her affliction of spirit.

It was the story of the Flying Peccary. "Tell me how I came in the cyclone," Charlie would insist, nestling into the comfortable curve of his arm. "The cyclone brought you paht of the way," corrected Seth, jealous of his theory that cyclones never touched the place of his dugout, the forks of the two rivers, "and the flyin' peccary brought you the rest.

Ah would neveh have raced afteh to-day. It was a whim of an old man to see his colohs once moh among a field of hawses. Ah knew Ah was not of this day. Ah should have known bettah than to become a paht of it even foh a little time. Ah have learned ma lesson, he says, lookin' up at me. 'But you have made it vehy bittah.

"De waitresses am busy, a-flyin' eroun' wid de side dishes, an' Mis' Colby, she serbs at her side ob de table, w'en Mars' Colby, he get up tuh carve. "'Wot paht ob de goose is yo' mos' fon' of, Miss Lee? he say to de young lady on hes right han', monst'ous perlite lak. "'I'd lak' a slice ob de laig, Cunnel, she say; 't'ank yo'." Uncle Rufus was surely enjoying himself.

Pam cawn tell you that while I don't deny being full of tricks as a boy, they weh not dirty, not low, and while father always taking Emmet's paht against me drove me to recklessness sometimes, I nevah did anything underhand or disgraceful. She knows what provocation I had, and exactly what happened. Let heh tell you!" "I don't feel that I require any further information," said father.

He chewed his cigar purty nigh up to the middle of it before he answered, and when he spoke it was a soft kind of a drawl not mad or loud but like they was sorrowful thoughts working in him. "Yo' all done struck the wo'st paht o' the South to peddle yo' niggah medicine in, sah. I reckon yo' must love 'em a heap to be that concerned over the colour of their skins."