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Third, that the charge should contain 400,000 pounds of gun-cotton, which, giving out six billions of litres of gas in rear of the projectile, would easily carry it toward the orb of night. It was on this spot, after stupendous labor, that the Columbiad was cast with full success.

Noon arrived without the orb of day appearing for a single instant. You couldn't even find its hiding place behind the curtain of mist. And soon this mist began to condense into snow. "Until tomorrow," the captain said simply; and we went back to the Nautilus, amid flurries in the air. During our absence the nets had been spread, and I observed with fascination the fish just hauled on board.

"I dream of thee, but to serve thee I can never hope," the dewdrop wept and said, "I am too small to take thee unto me, great lord, and my life is all tears." "I illumine the limitless sky, yet I can yield myself up to a tiny drop of dew," thus the Sun said; "I shall become but a sparkle of light and fill you, and your little life will be a laughing orb."

The mellowness of autumn still lingered in the atmosphere, for the season of the harvest-moon is the most beautiful in the world. The glorious orb illumined the fairy grotto with a radiance as intense as the noonday sun's.

I took, and on my manly head I set, the royal crown of Paflagonia; I took, and with my royal arm I wield, the sceptral rod of Paflagonia; I took, and in my outstretched hand I hold, the royal orb of Paflagonia!

Its appearance suggests the following idea: If to yon glittering, gleaming star, Our thoughts might wing their rapid flight, To meet in that bright orb, afar; Thoughts that are sent towards us to-night: How happy thitherward to speed, Soul meeting soul, above the wave; From earth, and earth's dark passions freed, And oh! what postage it would save! Saturday, June 5th, 1852.

"Thine, thine, Godolphin!" she shrieked forth, pointing to the lonely orb; "it summons thee; farewell, but not for long!" The Moor rushed forward with a loud cry; she placed her hand on Lucilla's bosom; the heart was still, the breath was gone, the fire had vanished from the ashes: that strange unearthly spirit was perhaps with the stars for whose mysteries it had so vainly yearned.

Roland Barnette paid ostentatious attentions to Bess Gabriel, who tolerated him simply because she didn't much like Josie; but, blighted by Josie's supreme indifference, this budding passion drooped and failed by mutual consent of both parties concerned. Angie Tuthill became more conspicuously than ever the orb of Tracey's universe.

It runs at times to rotten Victorianism, both heavy and vague, as when he calls El Greco or Domenico "a most extraordinary genius, some of whose productions possess merit of a very high order." He is capable of calling the eye the "orb of vision," and the moon "the beauteous luminary."

In the focal point of the solar circle there is no rising, no setting. Therefore, sunrise and sunset have relation to earthly observation and not to the luminary itself. Nay, rather, night in the solar orb is inconceivable. In that center of effulgence, constant light and illumination prevail. Its risings and settings are, therefore, only apparent and not actual.