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In the days of the uttering of forged one-pound notes by people tempted up from the country, how many hundreds of wretched creatures of both sexes many quite innocent swung out of a pitiless and inconsistent world, with the tower of yonder Christian church of Saint Sepulchre monstrously before their eyes!

Cruikshank's own story, writing in 1876, is this: Fifty-eight years back from this date there were one-pound Bank of England notes in circulation, and, unfortunately, many forged notes were in circulation also, or being passed, the punishment for which offense was in some cases transportation, in others DEATH. At this period, having to go early to the Royal Exchange one morning, I passed Newgate jail, and saw several persons suspended from the gibbet; two of these were women who had been executed for passing one-pound forged notes.

The moment they realize the situation, they will begin offering a premium for Rubber Consols. The price of a one-pound share will be two pounds, then four six ten twenty thirty whatever I want to drive it to." Louisa stared up at him with wide open eyes. It seemed to her that she understood now. It was very exciting.

"But what's this?" she said, catching up the paper. It was nothing less than two one-pound notes! Joe caught up his hat and ran with them to the Public House to restore them to their owner, only to find that he had gone. Then my sister sealed them up in a piece of paper, and put them on the top of a press in the state parlour, and there they remained.

There were some phenomenally close shaves during the day. On one occasion the enemy got the range of one of our guns with their pom-pom, and the way they dropped the devilish little one-pound shells amongst those gunners was a sight to make a man's blood run chill. The little iron imps fell between the men, grazed the wheels, the carriage, and the truck of the gun; but

"Aweel, there's Jess Rutherford, a widdy, wi' four bairns, ye meicht do waur than ware your siller on her." "Five pounds to begin?" inquired his lordship. "Five pund! Are ye made o' siller? Ten schell'n!" Saunders was rung for, and produced a one-pound note. "The herrin' is five and saxpence; it's four and saxpence I'm awin ye," said the young fishwife, "and Jess will be a glad woman the neicht."

A room, low-ceilinged, dim, gloomy, sinister as an inquisition chamber; a single large table in the center, holding a kerosene lamp, writing materials and a metal spheroid a shade larger than a one-pound shell; and around it a semicircle of silent, masked and cowled figures. There were twelve of them, eleven men and a woman.

We were on board our own ships before they fired the fourth shot. “Well,” said the captain, on my reaching the quarter-deck, “you were not able to get the vessel off.” “No,” I replied; “she was scuttled, and sank before we boarded her.” “Were her guns brass or iron?” “Iron,” said I, “and not worth bringing on board; there were four brass one-pound swivels, but those were taken by the lieutenant of the commodore’s boat, and he ungenerously claimed the red flag I had hauled down, but I refused to give it up.” Whilst this conversation was going on, a boat from the Alarm came alongside with a midshipman and a written order from the commodore for me to give up, no longer the flag of defiance but that of dispute. “I think,” said the captain, “you had better comply with the order.” On seeing my disinclination to do so, he said, “It is not worth contending about.” “I believe, sir,” I replied, “you are right.

Then she returned the one-pound note, a fresh settlement was effected, and she left him. At the door she said: "And I am muckle obleeged to ye for your story and your goodness." While uttering these words, she half kissed her hand to him, with a lofty and disengaged gesture, such as one might expect from a queen, if queens did not wear stays; and was gone.

As the cutter left the ship, Colwell picked up a can of hard-tack and two one-pound cans of pemmican, as he thought that his party might be out all night, and a little of something to eat would not go amiss. Within half an hour after the first parties had left the ship cheers were heard above the roaring of the wind.