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Updated: August 3, 2024

In the mean time the Ouzel Galley, having been restored to her former owners, was quickly fitted for sea, while the Research was purchased into the navy, and the command given to Lieutenant Tarwig. Commander Olding and several of his officers had made up their minds to return home by the first opportunity, but most of the rest, as well as a portion of the Champion's crew, joined the Research.

Jimmy went down one day while Bill was at the wheel to look for 'is knife, wot 'e thought 'e'd left down there, and 'ed 'ardly got down afore Bill saw 'im come up ag'in, 'olding on to the top of a mop which the steward was using.

"We are succeeding better than might have been expected, Tarwig," observed Captain Olding. "If we can't make this fellow strike, we can keep him from running away or joining his consorts. See, there goes the Druid's mainmast, and there comes her foremast. Blowhard must take care not to have both the enemy on him at once, or he may fare no better."

'Well, sir, said Brown, speaking low and nervously, 'it was just this way. Master was busy down in front of the 'ole, and I was 'olding the lantern and looking on, when I 'eard somethink drop in the water from the top, as I thought. So I looked up, and I see someone's 'ead lookin' over at us.

On each occasion they were hooted by the mob; and not without reason, when husbands were torn from their wives, fathers from their children several of those taken being either 'long-shore men or not even sailors but men were wanted, and Captain Olding had been directed to get as many as he could pick up, to supply the other ships expected shortly to form the convoy of the fleet of merchantmen.

"No," ses Ginger. "Don't you flatter yourself. He came up to you because he didn't know you, Sam." "If he 'ad, he'd ha' bit your 'and," ses Peter Russet. "Instead o' washing it," ses Ginger. "Go on!" ses Sam, 'olding his breath with passion. "Go on!" Peter opened 'is mouth, but just then another man came into the bar, and, arter ordering 'is drink, turned round and patted the dog's 'ead.

Bensusan, tossing her head, "with his long white beard and white 'ead, let alone his black velvet skull-cap." "Oh, he wore a skull-cap?" "Only indoors," said Rhoda sharply, "but here I'm 'olding the door wide, sir, so if you've done, we're done." "I'm done, as you call it, for the present," replied Denzil, putting on his hat, "but I may come again. In the meantime, hold your tongues.

"You can put a pistol to my head and shoot me, sir, if I do not fulfil my promise," he answered, calmly. "If you can enable us to recover the master of this ship, and his daughter, and any other of the people who were on board her, I will promise to set you at liberty; but, if you are retaken, you must stand the consequences," said Commander Olding.

The cargo with which he had sailed from Montego Bay had long since been removed, but a large amount of, treasure was found on board which, from its character, it was known must have been pillaged from some Spanish ship. It would therefore now become the property of Commander Olding and his ship's company.

As soon as the Champion got within signalling distance of the commodore, Captain Olding reported three sail of the enemy in sight. On this the Thisbe hoisted a signal to the Druid to join her, while the merchant vessels were directed to keep together and to stand on as they were steering.

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