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Updated: August 6, 2024

Please pardon me if I do not go into that. I do not wish to appear rude, but the reasons are quite personal, really." "Personal!... Well, I'll be dummed if this ain't the nerviest piece of brass cheek ever I Say, look here, Bangs! Why didn't you tell me you'd bought them shares? What did you Why, you must have had 'em all the time I was offerin' you commissions for buyin' 'em. Hey?

Look at me, an' take warnin' so you won't make the same mistake an' go to makin' an' sellin' fancy work again.... "But I fooled 'em everybody. At the beginnin' the bettin' was even. By the sixth round the wise gazabos was offerin' two to one against me. I was licked from the first drop outa the box anybody could see that; but he couldn't put me down for the count.

They'd never 'a' come down here, pretendin' they was doin' good, killin' one bedbug out of ten million and offerin' one pair of good pants where a hundred thousand pairs is needed. They'd better go read about themselves in their Bible what Jesus says. He knew 'em. He belonged to us and they crucified him."

"It's what I'm offerin' you," replied the lizard. Thirty per cent of fifty thousand dollars! Jimmy jingled the few pieces of silver remaining in his pocket. Fifteen thousand dollars! And here he had been walking his legs off and starving in a vain attempt to earn a few paltry dollars honestly. "There's something wrong somewhere," muttered Jimmy to himself.

A rough sense of justice in the community, while doubting her ability to take care of the whole fortune, suggested that she ought to be content with three hundred thousand dollars. "She's bound to throw even THAT away on some derned skunk of a man, natoorally; but three millions is too much to give a chap for makin' her onhappy. It's offerin' a temptation to cussedness."

I did all I could t' bring myself up to a p'int that I hoped I could reach you frum but 't warn't in me. I was 'bout Maud Grace's limit, as I say, but I didn't want t' own to it, an' now," he gulped bravely, "'t ain't much of an offerin'! I'm a poor shote, but if I could, I'd use my wuthless life fur her. It's 'bout all I kin do." "And it is the greatest thing on earth, Mark!"

Bess allowed to me that before the evenin's out Gavel will be offerin' 'is shirt to 'ave 'im back an' Bess don't know the worst neither. They've put on a boy to work the engine, an' Bill 'as told me things about that boiler o' Gavel's . . . I couldn' get near enough to read the pressure, but by the way 'e was pilin' in coal " She broke off and gazed down the slope.

Rebecca set her basket of eggs on the counter. "How many pound did you tell her, William?" called the old man's hoarse voice. William compressed his lips. "About two and a half, father." "How many?" "Two and a half." "How many dozen of eggs?" "Two." "You ain't offerin' of her two pound of sugar for two dozen eggs?" "I said two pounds and a half of sugar, father," said William.

But although she always had been extremely liberal in givin', and had made a practice of contributin' every cent she could spare to the meetin' house, it wuz spozed that Samuel Danker wuz the biggest offerin' she had ever give to it.

"Nothin' would do ye but to be offerin' the contraption for sale, and tellin' each and every that hit'd been used in the Hardwick mill. Look what a mess ye've made. I'm sorry I ever hitched up with ye. Boy o' yo' age has got no sense." "How was I to know they'd write to Stoddard?" growled Shade sulkily. "No harm did if hit wasn't for him.

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