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Even as he spoke a shout came faintly from the distant town. "What is that?" demanded Clark, sharply. The man shrugged his shoulders. "Une fete des negres, peut-etre, the negro, he dance maybe." "Are you the ferryman?" said Clark. "Oui I have some boat."

Néanmoins les jours suivants les désordres continuerant, les François étoient outragés publiquement; un soldat eut l'audace de poursuivre mon negre dans la maison Consulaire et de l'y frapper en se repondant en invectives contre les François; un enfant de neuf ans fut horriblement maltraité par des soldats, jusqu'aux négres osoient lever la tête, et nous insulter. Mr. Bruce avoit-il pris du mesures de repression? Est-ce la protection que devoit en attendre l'Agent d'une puissance amie du Brésil? En butte

"But mark," they cried unitedly, "you have got to wind up with the story of Bras-Coupé!" "A song! A song!" "Une chanson Créole! Une chanson des nègres!" "Sing ' tolé dancé la doung y doung doung!" cried a black-eyed girl. Raoul explained that it had too many objectionable phrases. "Oh, just hum the objectionable phrases and go right on."

Leading me mysteriously aside, he showed certificates from the officials at Le Plateau, dating from 1859, recommending him strongly as a shipbroker for collecting emigrants libres, and significantly adding, les negres ne manquent pas. Petit Denis's face was a study when I told him that, being an Englishman, a dozen negroes were not worth to me a single "Njina."

It was the one topic of interest in the musty, dusty courthouse until the end appeared with the following announcement in the local papers: "Annonce! Vente importante de Nègres! Mauville estate in bankruptcy!" And thereafter were specified the different lots of negroes to be sold.

We got on well enough with them, and knew enough French to buy endless sweets at Rumpelmeyer's or chez Nègres, to get queer knives and "oddities" at the fairs, or to conduct paper-chases along the course of the Canal or in Pine Woods bordering it. We refused, however, to take the French or their language seriously. However, my father did contrive to instil a little French politics into us.

It was on the "French side" of the paper. "Annoncement." "Vente importante des Negres!" Yes it was they. The announcement was no surprise to me. I expected as much. I turned to the translation on the reverse page, in order to comprehend it more clearly. There it was in all its broad black meaning: "Important Sale of Negroes!" I read on: "Estate in Bankruptcy. Plantation Besancon!" "Poor Eugenie!"

Even the maid-servants of a house may render a great service to it, by instructing the infants and instilling into their minds the lessons of goodness. Thomas Bacon's Sermons Addressed to Masters and Servants. Concernant les Esclaves Négres des Colonies, qui seront amenés, ou envoyés en France. Donné

GARNETT, H.H. The Past and Present Condition and the Destiny of the Colored Race. GOODLOE, D.R. The Southern Platform. GRÉGOIRE, BISHOP. De la Littêrature des Nègres. HARRISON, SAMUEL ALEXANDER. Wenlock Christison, and the Early Friends in Talbot County, Maryland. A Paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, March 9, 1874. HENSON, JOSIAH. The Life of Josiah Henson.

We were in one of the so-called "villages negres" of the second-line trenches, the jolly little settlements to which the troops retire after doing their shift under fire. This particular colony has been developed to an extreme degree of comfort and safety.