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Madame de Pompadour had been very judiciously advised to get her husband, M. le Normand, sent to Constantinople, as Ambassador. This would have a little diminished the scandal caused by seeing Madame de Pompadour, with the title of Marquise, at Court, and her husband Farmer General at Paris. But he was so attached to a Paris life, and to his opera habits, that he could not be prevailed upon to go.

When he had gone Suzette lighted my candle. "Suzette," I said, "your dinner was a success." "Ah, but I am content, monsieur. Mon Dieu, but I do love to cook!" "Come, Miquette! It's past your bedtime, you adorable egoist." "Bonsoir, Suzette." "Bonsoir, monsieur." Village of Vagabonds! In which the hours are never dull! Lost village by the Normand sea!

Each of these gentlemen was equally successful in his first attempt. During the summer of 1843 I was in command of a flotilla, formed for the purpose of making experiments to compare ships of the old-fashioned type with this little vessel, which we tested in every imaginable way. At every change in the condition of the sea, M. Normand, Mr.

She is sympathetic in her treatment of them and is able to impart to her works a sentiment which appeals to the observer. Among her pictures are "Reietti," "The Good-Natured One," "September," "In the Country," "Music," and "Contrasts." <b>NORMAND, MRS. ERNEST HENRIETTA RAE.</b> Medals in Paris and at Chicago Exposition, 1893. Born in London, 1859. Daughter of T. B. Rae, Esquire.

"I don't know how late it was when Madame Normand popped her head out of the balcony door." "'Who was then surprised? It was the lady, as dear old Brantome says?" "It was everybody. The company had gone and Mélanie the bonne was putting out the candles. "'Miss Stewart and I have just discovered that we are very nearly related, said he. "'But how delightful, said Madame, thoroughly annoyed."

It was the port from whence he manned and equipped his own fleet of four ships, with crews which must have been largely composed of Normand sailors who were familiar with the navigation and the coast. And there was not a citizen of Dieppe, probably, who had not an interest of some nature in one or more of the fishing vessels, and could have told him what country it was that he had explored.

Barnes, and I myself, who were all three of us escorting the Napoleon on board the Pluton, used to rush on deck to watch her behaviour. M. Normand would give us a lecture on her lines and her displacement wave, or the degree of her rolling or her pitching. Mr. Barnes, a great big Englishman, said never a word, but pulled a slide-rule out of his pocket and mumbled algebraic formulae.

And she herself, was not she at this moment intent on entertaining a descendant of those very Normand, a vain proud countess with a frenchified name, who would only think that she graced Ullathorne too highly by entering its portals? Was it likely that an honourable John, the son of the Earl de Courcy, should ride at a quintain in company with a Saxon yeoman?

Le Normand de Kergrist, perished in the dreadful hurricane, which was experienced at Martinique and some other Islands, on the 21st and 22nd of October last. Messrs. Fournier Lieutenant, Legrandais, and Lespert Midshipman, and Paulin Boatswain, have received the cross of the Legion of Honor for their conduct on this occasion. Vide the Moniteur of January 22. Paris, Sept. 8, 1817. Sir.

The law-officers of the Crown denied the validity of these documents, which emanated from the most suspicious sources some being forwarded by a noted Parisian fortune-teller, called Madlle le Normand; and after Mr.