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With the assistance of her friends, she was successful in winning the king, and, in April, 1754, at a supper which lasted far into the early morning, reposing in his arms, she virtually became the mistress of Louis XV. The actual accomplishment of this, however, depended upon the disposal of her husband, which was easily arranged by Louis, who ordered Le Normand d'Etioles from Paris, thus securing her from any harm from him.

Old Monsieur Normand was scandalized; it seems one doesn't send yellow flowers to a jeune fille. To me it was the most incredibly thoughtful and original thing. All the other girls had gone with Madame to a very special piano recital, in spite of a drizzling rain. It had turned cool, too, I remember, because there was a wood fire in the little sitting-room not the salon, but the girls' room.

But the man did not die, though he recovered with great difficulty. Among the accounts given me by Sir Normand M'Loud, there was one worthy of special notice, which was thus: There was a gentleman in the Isle of Harris, who was always seen by the seers with an arrow in his thigh.

"He would now be a dead man." "Dead? But ought you not to grant the last request he made, and to give him his liberty on the con- ditions " "You do not know him." "But " "Silence! I took you for my lover, not for my confessor." Adolphe was silent. "And then comes an exquisite galloping goat, a tail-piece drawn by Normand, and cut by Duplat. the names are signed," said Lousteau.

"Eh ben! tu sais!" she exclaimed suddenly, with a savage gleam in her eyes. I turned and gazed at her in astonishment. It was the first time I had heard her voice. It was her accent that made me stare. "Eh ben! tu sais!" she repeated, in the patois of the Normand peasant, lifting her riding crop in warning to the ball of fluff who had refused to get on his chair and was now wriggling in apology.

One day, when I was dining at the house of the colonel, with his wife, his step-daughter, and Mademoiselle L , the general sent for his aides-de-camp, and I was left alone, with the ladies; who so earnestly begged me to accompany them on a visit to Mademoiselle le Normand, that it would have been impolite to refuse, consequently we ordered a carriage and went to the Rue de Tournon.

Japanese lanterns among the fruit-trees of the tangled garden, the courtyard full of villagers, red and blue fire, skyrockets and congratulations, a Normand dinner and a keg of good sound wine to wish a long and happy life to both.

At the same time the corpse of another gentleman was brought to be buried in the same very church. The friends on either side came to debate who should first enter the church, and, in a trice, from words they came to blows. To this Sir Normand was a witness. In the account which Mr.

"He would now be a dead man." "Dead? But ought you not to grant the last request he made, and to give him his liberty on the con- ditions " "You do not know him." "But " "Silence! I took you for my lover, not for my confessor." Adolphe was silent. "And then comes an exquisite galloping goat, a tail-piece drawn by Normand, and cut by Duplat. the names are signed," said Lousteau.

He depicts the Norman farmer in surprisingly free and bold strokes, revealing him in all his caution, astuteness, rough gaiety, and homely virtue. The tragic stage of De Maupassant's life may, I think, be set down as beginning just before the drama of "Musotte" was issued, in conjunction with Jacques Normand, in 1891.