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Oline had tricked him nicely once before, saying one of the goats was gone, though all the goats were there as they should be; he had made a great fuss about it at the time, but to no purpose. It was always the same when he came into conflict with Oline.

At a crisis, such as the one I had reached, it is very difficult to balance nicely opposing interests, and that towards which our inclinations lead us, obstinately assumes the appearance of selfishness, even when we meditate a sacrifice. We are easily led at such times to make a compromise of the question; and this was my present resource.

The rain had fallen plentifully a few days before; and about a month after, to my great amazement something began to lock out very green and flourishing; and when I came to view it more nicely, every day as it grew, I found about ten or twelve ears of green barley appeared in the very same shape and make as that in England. I can scarce express the agitations of my mind at this sight.

Each contained a beautiful book with many pictures; and in Emily's parcel were a pair of scissors for doll's work, and needles and cotton, and lots of bright penny ribbon, and a bundle of ends of bright chintz for dolls' frocks. They were the very things that would please Emily most, and, as she said, would help so nicely to dress Lucy's doll.

Adela was very willing to be of the party. 'They haven't much money, have they? was Alice's first question as soon as she got away from the door. 'No, they are not rich, replied the brother. 'You got on very nicely, old girl. 'Why shouldn't I? You talk as if I didn't know how to behave myself, Dick. 'No, I don't. I say that you did behave yourself. 'Yes, and you were surprised at it.

"Oh yes: Phil Bowater opened the ball with her, and she dances very nicely so quietly, Mrs. Bowater remarked it. As to Rosamond, she was in her native element is indeed, for she would not hear of coming away when we did." "And Julius?" "Standing in a doorway, with others of his kind, absently talking, and watching Rosamond out of the tail of his eye.

If you have anything to say, say it and have done with it. By the way, how is Nora? I hope they're not spoiling her at the Grange." "Nora is getting on nicely, thank you." "It was a lucky chance for her," continued Jane, "that she happened to be near the Grange when she got hurt. Hester Thornton is sure to give her every comfort. Molly, you're exactly in my light."

The village had been badly mauled by the German guns during the recent fighting. The German does not behave nicely when his nerves are shaken, and we heard stories of ill-treatment of women in Solesmes. Next day we went towards Romeries to reconnoitre the roads, and on November 5 we had a long march in the rain.

To do this nicely requires some considerable accuracy and care, and it should be so done that the platform will swing with perfect freedom and ease, the weight below bringing it to a horizontal poise after a few vibrations.

The reason I chose that toothpick-case out of the Jew's box was, because it came into my head, the minute I saw it, that the mulatto woman's curious thimble you remember her thimble, Howard would just fit one end of it. I ran home and tried it, and the thimble screwed on as nicely as possible; and the chasing, as Mr. Russell said, and the colour of the gold, matched exactly. Oh! Mrs.