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Updated: August 9, 2024

It is not far, and the snow has nearly stopped, I shall find a path through the forest to that house with the chimney." "But the wolves!" exclaimed Abbleway; "they may " "Not on my name-day," said the woman obstinately, and before he could stop her she had opened the door and climbed down into the snow.

"Let them hear from the street that we have music and a name-day party." "Hang it all!" Lyamshin swore, and sitting down to the piano, began strumming a valse, banging on the keys almost with his fists, at random. "I propose that those who want it to be a meeting should put up their right hands," Madame Virginsky proposed. Some put them up, others did not.

I too had thought that another head than the one at which I had been working would be a better gift; so, when we were told that Grandmamma's name-day was soon to come round and that we must each of us have a present ready for her, I had taken it into my head to write some verses in honour of the occasion, and had forthwith composed two rhymed couplets, hoping that the rest would soon materialise.

My compliments to all my friends, and to Gilofsky's Katherl. Do you not miss me at all? A thousand compliments to all all! Adieu! Munich, Nov. 24, 1780. I beg you will convey to Madlle. Katharine Gilofsky de Urazowa my respectful homage. Wish her in my name every possible happiness on her name-day; above all, I wish that this may be the last time I congratulate her as Mademoiselle.

But she felt happy in her poverty, for she was free to love whom she would, to raise to herself whomsoever she might please. It was a festival day that they were celebrating in the humble palace of the emperor's daughter Elizabeth certainly a festival day, for it was the name-day of the princess.

Now it fell that on this day, the 20th December, being my godfather's name-day, I found her not with the rest, but in her own chamber in violent distress. Her cheeks were on fire, and she was in such turmoil as though she had escaped some terrible persecution. Thereupon I questioned her in haste and fear, and she answered me with reserve, till, on a sudden, she cried: "It is killing me!

"Well, au revoir, till next month then," she resumed. "I shall certainly call on the 5th; and in all probability I shall begin my round with you. But it's possible that it may be rather late in the afternoon, for it happens to be my poor husband's name-day. And so be brave and work well." Norine and Cecile had likewise risen, in order to escort her to the door.

Opposite to me sat the drawing master, who was giving a few finishing touches to the head of a turbaned Turk, executed in black pencil. Woloda, with out-stretched neck, was standing behind the drawing master and looking over his shoulder. The head was Woloda's first production in pencil and to-day Grandmamma's name-day the masterpiece was to be presented to her.

"There is such a house as you describe, at no great distance to the west," replied Chang Tao. "But that he marks the day with music had not reached these superficial ears." "It is but among those of his inner chamber, this being the name-day of one whom he would honour in a refined and at the same time inexpensive manner. To that end am I bidden."

But what reason have you got for making a merry noise in the night?" "Why, my dear" says he, "we have been at my brother's name-day feast. I am ashamed to go home without a song. I'll sing. I'll sing so that everyone shall think he loaded us with good things like the rest." "Well, sing if you like; but you'll sing by yourself."

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