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So the time wore on until the last week in July, and then all the school was alive with excitement, and every one was looking forward to the great event of the term, 'breaking up. 'Old Pew, had sent out her invitations for a garden party, an actual garden party not a mere namby-pamby entertainment among the girls themselves, in which a liberal supply of blanc-mange and jam tarts was expected to atone for the absence of the outside world.

Their loitering had widened the space between them and the girls, and suddenly Tom Allyne began, in a low voice, "Carnegie, I haven't had an opportunity before, so now I make haste to say that I thank you for showing me that a fellow need not be of the namby-pamby kind because he lets the stuff alone.

The true way to uphold the honor of the Senate was to have none but honorable men in its body. If this Senator had yielded to temptation and had offered a bribe, he was a soiled man and ought to be instantly expelled; therefore he wanted the Senator tried, and not in the usual namby-pamby way, but in good earnest. He wanted to know the truth of this matter.

This was unmistakably a mere "pot-boiler" and confessedly a compilation, but it set the little authors whose namby-pamby works the self-appointed Defender of the Purity of Style in American Letters had consigned to an early grave, like a nest of hornets buzzing about his ears. "Plagarism!" was the burden of their hum.

Poetry wants a champion in these days, who will save her from her friends: O, namby-pamby "lovers of the Nine!" your innumerous dull lyrics ay, and mine your unnatural heroics I too have sinned thus your up-hill sonnets that labour of folly have I known as well in brief, your misnamed poetry, hath done grievous damage to the cause you toil for.

"And oh, Miss Stuart Beatrix if you will allow me to call you so you think that when I speak when I ask I will be accepted?" "He's a fool!" thought Beatrix, with an inward burst. "A bashful, ridiculous fool! Why, in the name of all that's namby-pamby, doesn't he pop the question, like a man, and have done with it?

But it must certainly be admitted that for a man's description of his wooing the warmth of feeling which pervades them is as nearly sexless in character as it is possible to conceive; and, beautiful as the verses are, one cannot but feel that they only escape the "namby-pamby" by the breadth of a hair.

"But you say 'Yes' as if it gave you pain." "So it does, in a way." "You don't like being conquered even by your own prisoner?" "It's not that; that is, I think, rather a namby-pamby feeling. At any rate, I don't feel it." "What is it, then? You don't care enough for me?" "Ah, I care too much!" she cried. "Eugene, I wish I could have loved Father Stafford, and not you." "Why so?"

With a dim flash of doubt, as he said it, whether there might not, after all, be a Something, some deep of calm, of eternal order, where he and Holmes, these coarse chances, these wrestling souls, these creeds, Catholic or Humanitarian, even that namby-pamby Kitts and his picture, might be unconsciously working out their part.

The two young people on their magic island are amongst the real-ideal figures which haunt my mind with sweetness. Nature on either side is virginal. It flames and trembles with natural passion both in boy and girl, and they are as pure as a pair of daisies. Any workman in the school of Namby-Pamby could have kept their purity.