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On entering he found the couple as he had left them, the only difference being that the poor old woman seemed to be growing sleepy over her joys. "Have you seen Dumps or Poker anywhere?" enquired Fred. Meetuck nodded and pointed to a corner where, comfortably rolled up on a mound of dry moss, lay Dumps; Poker, as usual, making use of him as a pillow. "Thems is go bed," said Meetuck.

But don't let us waste time talking. Come, Summers and Mizzle, you are well enough to join, and, Meetuck, you must be our guide. Look alive and get yourselves ready." In less than half-an-hour the rescue party were equipped and on their way over the floes. They were six in all one of the freshest among the crew having volunteered to join those already mentioned.

He steeled his heart, however, by reflecting that fresh provisions were much wanted on board the Dolphin; still, neither he nor his shipmates could bring themselves to shoot the gallant little animal, and it is possible that they might have made up their minds to allow it to escape after all, had not Meetuck quietly ended their difficulty by putting a ball through its heart.

"Then I'll go and take care of Meetuck; he's apt to get into mischief when left " At this moment a tremendous shout of laughter, long continued, came from the deck, and a sound as if numbers of men dancing overhead was heard. The party in the cabin seized their caps and sprang up the companion ladder, where they beheld a scene that accounted for the laughter, and induced them to join in it.

Your first harpoon, you know, was a little wide of the mark, if I recollect right, wasn't it?" "Yis, it wos about as wide as the first bullet. I misremember exactly who fired it; wos it you, Meetuck?" Meetuck, being deeply engaged with a junk of fat meat at that moment expressed all he had to say in a convulsive gasp, without interrupting his supper.

When Captain Ellice and Fred looked in, the old woman, who was a mere mass of bones and wrinkles, was seated on a heap of moss beside a fire, the only chimney to which was a hole in the bottom of the boat. In front of her sat her grandson Meetuck, and on a cloth spread out at her feet were displayed all the presents with which that good hunter had been loaded by his comrades of the Dolphin.

"The biscuit lies beside you, don't give in so soon, man." "Thank you, sir, I have about done." "Meetuck, ye haythen, try a bit o' the roast; do now, av it was only to plaaze me." Meetuck shook his head quietly, and, cutting a fifteenth lump off the mass of raw walrus that lay beside him, proceeded leisurely to devour it. "The dogs is nothin' to him," muttered O'Riley.

But the dogs required a good deal of coaxing to get them to trust to this rude bridge, which their sagacity taught them was not to be depended on like the works of nature. A quarter of an hour's drive brought them to a place where there was another crack of little more than two feet across. Meetuck stretched his neck and took a steady look at this as they approached it at full gallop.

"Surely you are taking us too much off to the right, Meetuck," said Fred; "we are getting farther away from the ship." "No fee. De win' too 'trong. We turn hup 'long shore very quick, soon ha!"

Meetuck, therefore, allowed the seal to glide quietly into the sea, and advanced towards this new object of attack. At length he took a steady aim through the hole in the canvas screen, and fired. Instantly the seals dived, and at the same time the water round the walrus was lashed into foam and tinged with red.