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'How did you get here? he asked, in a strangled voice. 'It's a long story, said M. Vandeloup, putting his coffee cup down and wiping his lips with his handkerchief; 'suppose we go and have supper somewhere, and I'll tell you all about it. 'I don't want any supper, said Meddlechip, sullenly, his face having regained its normal colour.

'Yes; but if it fails? said Meddlechip, doubtfully. 'If it fails, I will be obliged to draw on you again, returned Gaston, candidly; 'you can't say, however, that I am behaving badly to you. 'No, answered Meddlechip, looking at him. 'I must say you are easier to deal with than I anticipated. Well, if I give you my cheque for five hundred

He drew the cork of one of the bottles, filled the glasses on the table, and then after giving a glance round to see that all was in order, suddenly found that it was ebb-tide, and rolled slowly out of the door, which he closed after him. Meddlechip ate his supper in silence, but drank a good deal of champagne to keep his courage up for the coming ordeal, which he knew he must go through.

'Because Mr Meddlechip suffers from too much money, and has to get rid of it to prevent himself being crushed like Tarpeia by the Sabine shields, he is called charitable. 'He does good, though, doesn't he? asked Madame. 'See advertisement, scoffed Calton. 'Oh, yes! he will give thousands of pounds for any public object, but private charity is a waste of money in his eyes.

'Kestrike, pursued Vandeloup, rapidly, 'is little known in Paris his name is an assumed one he leaves France before the police can discover how he has poisoned Adele Blondet, and crosses to England meets Madame, his wife, and returns to Australia, where he is called Meddlechip. The man in the chair threw up his hands as if to keep the other off, and uttered a stifled cry.

Barty Jarper had engaged one of these apartments, and with about a dozen young men was having a good time of it when Vandeloup and Meddlechip drove up. After dismissing the cab and looking up and down the street to see that no policeman was in sight, Vandeloup knocked at the door in a peculiar manner, and it was immediately opened in a stealthy kind of way.

'If you call Adele a horror, retorted Vandeloup, coolly, 'I am certainly going to revive her, so you had best sit down and hear me to the end, for you certainly will not turn me from my purpose. Meddlechip sank back into his chair with a groan, while his relentless enemy curled himself up on the sofa in a more comfortable position and began to talk.

'Say six hundred, observed Vandeloup, rising and going to a small table in the corner of the room on which were pens and ink. 'I want an extra hundred. 'Six hundred then be it, answered Meddlechip, quietly, rising and going to his overcoat, from whence he took his cheque book. 'For this amount you will be silent. M. Vandeloup bowed gracefully.

Mrs Meddlechip glanced approvingly at Vandeloup as he came up, for he was extremely good-looking, and good-looking men were Mrs Meddlechip's pet weakness. Barty was in attendance on his liege lady, and when he saw how she admired Vandeloup, he foresaw he would be off duty for some time.

So the story is at an end. He ended with his usual smile, all his excitement having passed away, and lounging over to the supper-table lit a cigarette and sat down on the sofa. Meddlechip sat silently looking at the disordered supper-table and thinking deeply.