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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Pray tell my lords and the jury what you know concerning them." The woman tried to speak and stopped, tried again and stopped. Counsel, coming to her relief, said, "It was in Wythburn you saw them; when was that?" "I passed through it with my two children at Martinmas," the witness began falteringly. "Tell my lords and the jury what happened then."

A sot would put his name to anything, gloriously; and when he had signed he had signed. Thus the beaver-hatted employers smiled at Martinmas drunkenness, and smacked it familiarly on the back; and little boys swilled themselves into the gutter with their elders, and felt intensely proud of the feat. These heroic old times have gone by, never to return.

It was drinking and dissipation and petticoats all the summer through; and now at Martinmas he left and took work at the quarry, so as to be more his own master. There was not sufficient liberty for him at Stone Farm. What good there was left in him would find something to do up there. Long Ole could not, of course, remain at Stone Farm, crippled as he was.

Bertram's edification, and matters proceeded against the gipsies in form of law. Every door in the hamlet was chalked by the ground-officer, in token of a formal warning to remove at next term. Still, however, they showed no symptoms either of submission or of compliance. At length the term-day, the fatal Martinmas, arrived, and violent measures of' ejection were resorted to.

"What do you know about Vendale?" shouted Grimes; but he left off beating Tom. "I know about Vendale, and about you, too. I know, for instance, what happened in Aldermire Copse, by night, two years ago come Martinmas." "You do?" shouted Grimes; and leaving Tom, he climbed up over the wall, and faced the woman.

''Tis nearly four years come Martinmas, said the grey-headed butler, 'since my lady left us. 'And no good has come of it, said the housekeeper. 'And for my part I never heard of good coming from going to foreign parts. 'I shall like to see Miss Venetia again, said a housemaid. 'Bless her sweet face. 'I never expected to see her Miss Venetia again from all we heard, said a footman.

Sixty come Martinmas, and Susan forty-eight: and I be a'most weary of turning moulds." He went round to his front door. There was a crowd round it; a buzzing crowd with all their faces turned towards his door. He came at their backs, and asked peevishly what was to do now. Some of the women shrieked at his voice.

'This fellow is a limb of Satan for sure, and doth follow a calling that none but a mean, snivelling, baseborn son of a gun would take to. Yet I warrant, from the look of him, that he could truss you like a woodcock if he had his great hands upon you. And you would howl for help as you did last Martinmas, when you did mistake Cooper Dick's wife for a gauger. 'Truss me, would he?

The voice began the stanza again: "Martinmas wind, when wilt thou blow, And shake the green leaves from the tree?" "What is the matter?" cried Sir Charles in alarm. Patricia stared at him with wide, unseeing eyes. "Martinmas wind," she said in a low, clear, even voice. "Martinmas wind! The leaves drift in clouds, yellow and red, red like blood. Look at the river flowing in the sunshine!

"I don't know but that I may as well go with 'ee, Solomon," said Christopher; "I'm as clammy as a cockle-snail." A Martinmas summer of Mrs. Henchard's life set in with her entry into her husband's large house and respectable social orbit; and it was as bright as such summers well can be.

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