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"If I do not soon have to take care of Mart's wife and babies, I'll be in luck," was the thought that possibly occurred to her; but she was a silent little body, much given to shrewd and common-sense observation of the world in which she lived.

Lawson made him lay down," Joe said. "And he's coming home when the wagon comes down, at three o'clock. He says to tell you he's fine!" "Oh, thank you, Joe!" Cherry said. She shut the door, feeling weak and frightened. She flew to unpack her bag, hung up her hat and coat, darkened the bedroom and turned down the bed; waited anxiously for Mart's return. Mrs.

Her burning eyes turned toward Mart. In them was all of a heart's anguish and despair. "Tell 'em, Mart! Tell 'em he didn't do it!" she finally pleaded. Mart's face was inscrutable. Munn rose. The other men got to their feet. "Will you get the boy or shall I?" the sheriff said directly to Mrs. Brenner. With a rush Mrs.

"There's three weeks' board ag'in' it," said Mrs. McGrath, "and the ould lady not buried three days, and the young lady sick and cryin' her purty eyes out, and divil a cint or sup in the house for Mart's wife and babies, barrin' what me and Mac could spare 'em. Och, that's only wan of five-and-twinty families that furrin loonattic has ruined."

She wrote constantly to her husband and often spoke appreciatively of Mart's kindness. Anne's marriage took place in mid-September. It was a much more formal and elaborate affair than Cherry's had been, because, as Anne explained, "Frenny's people have been so generous about giving him up, you know. After all, he's the last of the Littles; all the others are Folsoms and Randalls.

Lucius took Bertha's place at Mart's shoulder and the three men went into the library, leaving her to wait outside in anxious solitude. There was something in the doctor's manner which awed her, filled her with new conceptions, new duties. Steele was one of these cold-blooded practitioners who do not believe in the old-fashioned manner. "Cheery suggestion" was nonsense to him.

We didn't see this coming when we married on less than a hundred a month, did we?" He put his arm about her, they stood looking out of the window together. "We did not! And when you were ill, Billy and sitting up nights with Mart's croup!" Susan smiled reminiscently. "And the Thanksgiving Day the milk-bill came in for five months when we thought we'd been paying it!"

Well, what happened inside the next minute made a friend o' her fer life, an' an enemy o' him. You'd have thought any dootiful an' loyal offspring would o' tried to pull me off'n him, but all she done was to stand back an' egg me on, 'specially when I took to tannin' him with the same stick he'd been usin' on her. Seems like Mart's never felt very friendly to'ards me sence that day."

Bunny was to make believe he couldn't turn a handspring very well, and Mart would then take the center of the stage. "Here! Look at me do a flipflop!" cried Mart, and then he really did some very good tricks for a boy acrobat. All this while Lucile was pretending to be asleep, and when Mart's tricks were over she was supposed to wake up suddenly.

To Mart's humbly spoken query, "What troubles ye, darlin'?" she made no reply, but went at once to her room. The old gambler seemed pitiably helpless and forlorn as he sat there in his accustomed chair waiting her return. The bees and birds were busy among the vines, and all the well-oiled machinery of his splendid home was going forward to the end that his sweet girl-wife should be served.