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I did not wonder that on mail-day everybody came out in front of the quarters and asked: "Is the mail-carrier in?" And nothing much was done or thought of on that day, until we saw him come jogging in, the mail-bag tied behind his saddle. Our letters were from two to three weeks old.

I remember one day after our mail had arrived, a lad coming in from the shanty to ask if there was anything for him. His sad face, as he turned away on being told that our mail-carrier was no longer allowed to bring mails for the contractors' men, haunted me for days. Poor home-sick boy! he had not heard from his people for months.

Bean loathed golf and gathered the strange power to say so. "Sooner be a mail-carrier than a golf-player," he answered stoutly. "Looks more fun, anyway." "My word!" exclaimed the waster, "aren't you even keen on watching it?" "Sooner watch a lot of Italians tearing up a street-car track," Bean persisted. "Oh, come!" protested the waster. "Like to have another fumed egg," said Bean.

Here on the walls are four emblematic pictures: "The Land-Post," representing a knight with a sealed missive in his hand, standing beside and curbing his fiery steeds; "The Sea-Post," showing a mail-carrier on the back of a dolphin in the midst of stormy waves far out at sea; "The Telegraph," with Jove and his lightnings as its central figure: and "The Rohrpost," a maiden, blowing into an orifice with "the breath of all the winds."

Swan collected his energies and his clothes, finished his remaining last words and duties, and took his seat with the mail-carrier, who had the only public conveyance at that period from the town of Walton to the town of Boston. His parents were dead; his immediate relatives were scattered already in different States; and he left Walton with his heart full of one image, that of Dorcas Fox.

"Yes, I'm goin' home, ef I can borrer an oar," said Chillis. "My house ain't altogether safe without me, in sech weather as this." "Safer 'n most houses, ef she don't break away from her moorin's," returned the mail-carrier, laughing.

Tilden, did your son Bud reach your house on the night of the robbery?" The old man cleared his throat and said, as if weighing each word: "At ten minutes past ten o'clock." "How do you fix the time?" "I had just wound the clock when Bud come in." "How, Mr. Tilden, how far is it to the cross-roads where the mail-carrier says he was robbed?" "About a mile and a half from my place."

The little man changed color and stammered out in excuse: "He was as big as him, anyway, and there ain't no other like him nowhere in them parts." "Oh, he was as big as him, was he?" This retort came with undisguised contempt. "And there are no others like him, eh? Do you know everybody in Bell County, Mr. Bowditch?" The mail-carrier did not answer.

Both the Turkish and Persian mail is carried in saddle-bags on the backs of reinless horses driven at a rapid gallop before the mounted mail-carrier or herdsman. Owing to the carelessness of the postal officials, legations and consulates employ special couriers.

Had it not been for the Norseman's otter cap it is probable that a new mail-carrier would have taken the St. Michaels run. Petersen sat down upon his heels, and rested his forehead against the cool brass foot-rail; the subsequent proceedings interested him not at all. Those proceedings were varied and sudden, for the nearest and dearest of Petersen's friends rushed upon Mr. Hyde with a roar.