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No South can't ride inter Hixon, an' ride out again. The mail-carrier won't be down this way fer two days yit." "I'm not askin' any South to ride into Hixon. I recollect another time when Samson was the only one that would do that," she answered, still scornfully. "I didn't come here to ask favors. I came to give orders for him. A train leaves soon in the morning. My letter's goin' on that train."

The fact that it had been the little mail-carrier himself who had ridden in the carriage beside the slim girl with the tumbled hair, at the head of the dreary procession that toiled slowly up to the bleak cemetery behind the church, had, indeed, been worthy of some discussion.

If Olive could be made to laugh at him it would be like preparing a garden-bed with spade and rake before sowing his seeds. The rural mail-carrier came earlier than usual that day, and he brought Olive but one letter, but as it was from her father, she was entirely satisfied, and retired to a bench to read it. In about ten minutes after that she walked into Mrs.

Annette, on the contrary, full of girlish curiosity, was delighted to meet with the unknown mystery that comes to all of us at times. Her heart, which life had just saddened for the first time, could anticipate only something joyful from that black and ominous bag hanging from the side of the mail-carrier, who saw so many emotions through the city streets and the country lanes.

There was a chorus of shrieks, a swish of skirts down the garden path, and reinforcements in the shape of three more young ladies emerged from the gate and fell upon the rebellious mail-carrier. They climbed into the shaking old buckboard and Maggie seized the reins and turned old Bella up the hill again.

This would render it necessary to buy one; and to meet this expenditure Grenfell had six dollars and Weston not very much more. While they were considering what items they could leave out, two or three men came up the trail from the settlement, which led close by, and one of them threw Weston a couple of letters. "Mail-carrier rode in before we left, and I guessed I'd bring them along," he said.

But presently he knew that small cotton carts but rattled, the volume of rumbling was as if an army moved. From up the road floated the staccato note of a staff beating its surface, and the clanking tinkle of an iron ring against the wooden staff. "A mail-carrier," Barlow said. And then to the monotonous pat-pat-pat of trotting feet the mail-carrier emerged from the grey wall of night.

Coonie did not care for Syl Todd; he had much of the simple guilelessness of his parents and did not take teasing with any pleasurable degree of asperity. So the mail-carrier generally treated him with silent contempt. He swung himself from the buckboard and hobbled painfully to the store veranda. "Business seems pressin' with you, Mr. Todd," he remarked as he lit his pipe.

And so only a little more than an hour later, knowing absolutely nothing of what might be going on at the agency, judging only from the reports of the mail-carrier that there had been trouble between the agent and some of Red Dog's people, and that the agent had determined to make arrests, leaving his bride wildly weeping and protesting in the hands of her devoted friends Mesdames Flight and Darling, yet commending her to the guardianship of Captain and Mrs.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself," said Hondo Bill to the mail-carrier in solemn tones, "to be packing around such a lot of old, trashy paper as this. What d'you mean by it, anyhow? Where do you Dutchers keep your money at?" The Ballinger mail sack opened like a cocoon under Hondo's knife. It contained but a handful of mail.