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Updated: August 4, 2024

The rope was tied to the tree and his would-be lynchers left him. Bystanders cut him down before he was dead. The other men did not interfere and he was allowed to go. The man was so badly scared that he could not give his name if he wanted to do so. Two colored men were shot while robbing the dead bodies, by the Pittsburgh police, who are doing guard about the town. Fiends in Human Form.

The Lynchers, however, pursued the officer of the law, dragged him from his horse, bruised him, and conveyed the prisoner to the most convenient point of the city for carrying their blood-thirsty designs into execution.

"Remember, the children ain’t to know," he said to his wife; and to the lynchers, "Gentlemen, I’m ready." "Rocked By A Hempen String" Alida heard the mingled sounds of footsteps and hoofs grow fainter on the trail. The children looked at her to tell them why this night was different from all otherswhat was happening. But she could only cower among them, more terrified than they.

A Son of the New South. "I understand that a few years ago a Negro man and woman were burned at the stake in this neighborhood. Would you kindly show me the place?" This request came from Ensal Ellwood and was addressed to young Maul, the attorney who had plead so earnestly for the conviction of the lynchers of Bud and Foresta. A sad look stole over young Maul's face.

The lynchers, bursting in, saw Alida with her arms around Jim. When the last hope had gone it was instinct with her to protect him with her own body. "Go into the kids, old girl, this is no place for you." And there was that in his voice that made her obey. Something of the glory of old Chief Flying Hawk, riding to battle, was in the face of his grandson.

All this is brewed while the dance is goin' on, an' by breakfast time next mornin', there bein' a full quorum of Republican war chiefs on hand, they pulls a pow-wow an' instructs their deputies to round up the lynchers. This is done, barrin' a few that's flitted, the boys bein' caught unawares. Well, things begun lookin' serious to 'em, an' as a last resort they decided to fall back on the truth.

Consider the example; the influence of such a shop, kept by such a woman, on the community! We have the right to protect ourselves the majority." "That's the way the lynchers talk," returned Brace. "And I'm not so sure about there being any moral question yet. You are assuming too much.

The leaders of the party conferred together with a good deal of animated gesticulation, which was visible to the sheriff from his outlook, though the distance was too great for him to hear what was said. At length one of them broke away from the group, and rode back to the main body of the lynchers, who were restlessly awaiting orders.

You come here without a warrant, without a definite complaint, and ask me to turn an old man over to a bunch of lynchers! Not on your life. Not today or any other day." Doubleday interrupted, but he was forced to listen: "You talk about thieves," Laramie spoke fast and remorselessly, "and you belong to the bunch that's tried to steal every foot of land I own in the Falling Wall.

That day was to be a great day with them. The lynchers of Bud and Foresta were to be tried, but that was not what excited their interest. The Congressman from the district in which Maulville was located had just died, and his successor was soon to be chosen.

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