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Updated: August 18, 2024

Heaven lay flat on Earth, all was dark, somebody kicked Heaven up, the already existing light came in. Here is no creation de la lumiere. I ask Professor Tiele, 'Do you, sir, create light when you open your window- shutters in the morning? No, you let light in! The Maori tale is also 'un mythe primitif de l'aurore, a primitive dawn myth. Dawn, again! Here I lose Professor Tiele.

A vast hill-side lay basking in the sun, which illuminated on its rounded swells a hundred long stripes of grain in every stage of verdure, resembling so much delicate velvet that was thrown in a variety of accidental faces to the light, while the shadows ran away, to speak technically, from this foyer de lumière of the picture, in gradations of dusky russet and brown, until the colonne de vigueur was obtained in the deep black cast from the overhanging branches of a wood of larch in the depths of some ravine, into which the sight with difficulty penetrated.

A clear indication of man's state of mind in regard to this question is given in the following passage from Huygens's famous Traité de la Lumière, by which the world was first made acquainted with the concept of light as a sort of undulatory movement. 'One cannot doubt that light consists in the movement of a certain substance.

One of the great sights of Paris in the "sixties," whilst it was still gas-lighted, was the "cordon de lumiere de la Rue de Rivoli." As every one knows, the Rue de Rivoli is nearly two miles long, and runs perfectly straight, being arcaded throughout its length. In every arch of the arcades there hung then a gas lamp.

Pater's placid creed, called to aid a most remarkable style a style of the new kind, lavish of adjective and the mot de lumière, but not exceedingly florid, and aiming especially at such an arrangement of the clause, the sentence, and the paragraph, such a concerted harmony of cadence and symphony, as had not been deliberately tried before in prose.

The same sentiments were thus versified by Loret, when announcing that the Duchess had obtained permission to return to Court: "Montbazon, la belle douairière, Dont les appas et la lumière Sous de lugubres vêtements Paraissent encore plus charmants...."

The Grandduchess of Weimar took the Princess under her protection, and she settled at Weimar in the Altenburg, while Liszt lived in the Hotel zum Erbprinzen. Many tender missives passed between them. "Bonjour, mon bon ange!" writes Liszt. "On vous aime et vous adore du matin au soir et du soir au matin." "On vous attend et vous bénit, chère douce lumière de mon âme!"

P is the pile; C is the dial; and A is the commutator. It is evident that this apparatus will likewise be able to render services in scientific researches and laboratory operations, by sparing the operator the trouble of continually consulting his watch. La Lumiere Electrique.

He was arrested in his hasty passage by Cecilia Halkett. She handed him a telegraphic message: Rosamund requested him to stay two days in Bevisham. She said additionally: 'Perfectly well. Shall fear to see you returning yet. Have sent to Tourdestelle. All his friends. Ni espoir, ni crainte, mais point de deceptions. Lumiere. Ce sont les tenebres qui tuent.

Max Mueller differe des philologues anciens en ceci que tandis qu'ils etudiaient seulement les langues classiques, lui trouve la lumiere et le materiel partout, meme dans le Patois: ainsi le Provencal lui a ete indispensable et bien d'autres langues encore que les amateurs des classiques negligent generalement." This interest in languages grew with years.

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