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"'Oh, young Lochinvar has come out of the West," said the General, lifting his glass. I touched it ceremoniously with mine. "The day will be hot," I said; "'The boy stood on the burning deck." On this I made my escape from him, and, leaving him to his whiskey and his contemplating, I became aware that the eyes of the rest of the party were eager to watch the greeting between Hortense and John.

He would have been voted quite a Lochinvar in the days when men procured their wives by right of discovery and the ability to retain possession, and had he dared, he would have made love to Donna in his bearlike way.

Glancing through the headline, "Young Lochinvar came out of the North," and skimming the article until the names of Mabel Holmes and Corry Hutchinson, coupled together, leaped squarely before his eyes, he turned to the top of the page. It was a San Francisco paper. "The money's yours, Inwood," he remarked, with a short laugh.

Parkinson's anterior success as an engineer before he came "like a young Lochinvar to wrest away his beautiful and popular fiancée from us fainthearted fellows of Lichfield"; touched of course upon the colonel's personal comminglement of envy and rage, and so on, as an old bachelor who saw too late what he had missed in life; and concluded by proposing the health of the young couple.

I often think that Jock of Hazledean, and young Lochinvar too, probably lived to repent their bargains. We will hope that Lord Chiltern may not do so." "I am sure he never will." "That is all right. And as for you, do you for a while think of your politics, and your speeches, and your colonies, rather than of your love. You are at home there, and no Lord Chiltern can rob you of your success.

Indeed, we may safely say that some of Le Fanu's lines are finer than any in 'Young Lochinvar, simply because they seem to speak straight from a people's heart, not to be the mere echoes of medieval romance. 'Phaudrig Croohore' did not appear in print in the 'Dublin University Magazine' till 1844, twelve years after its composition, when it was included amongst the Purcell Papers.

Did you ever read about Lochinvar? 'Young Lochinvar' the poet calls him rather familiarly. He did just what I'm doing now, and everybody thought very highly of him. I suppose in those days a helmet was just an ordinary part of what the well-dressed man should wear. Odd how fashions change!"

"They would become as extinct as the moa; but where are your eyes, Puss, when you take an old man like me for your gay young Lochinvar?" "Well, really, papa," answered Madge, deprecatingly, "you do look so like him in that Goat and hat that I could not tell the difference, till you spoke."

"Goodbye, Launcelot, Lochinvar . . . " He started toward the door and turned back a step toward her. "Strider," he said. "Strider," she drawled, smiling. They let go of each other with the total release that binds across any space or time. Joe walked along Kalakaua Avenue. It was still early; most of the tourists were in bed or eating breakfast. Daisy. How unexpected! How great!

"I am afraid she is likely to take Herbert Lathrop unless somebody stops her by main force. Why don't you play Lochinvar yourself, Phil? You could." Philip looked straight up at Tony then, the slipper forgotten in his hand. "Tony, do you mean that?" he asked. "I certainly do. Make her marry you, Phil. It is the only way with Carlotta." "I don't want to make any girl marry me," he said.