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Updated: August 25, 2024

I allow 't must be like bein' dead, Jos, don't yer think so, to be livin' thar? He sed ther couldn't nobody git to 'em. Nobody ever seed the place but hisself. He found it a huntin'. Thar's water thar, 'n' thet's abaout all thar is, fur's I cud make aout; I allow we shan't never see her agin." The horses and the wagon were indeed a godsend to Jos.

'Call the vision back, I said; 'play the air again, dear Sinfi. She sprang in front of me, and seizing one of my wrists, she gazed in my face, and said, 'Yes, it's "dear Sinfi"! You wants dear Sinfi to fiddle the Gorgie's livin' mullo back to you. I looked into the dark eyes, lately so kind. I did not know them.

Hasn't he bullied me an' cheated me all me life long, the divil-possessed tyrant! Bain't he the livin' curse o' Chance Along?" "Chance Along, is it?" murmured Mr. Darling. "Now where the devil is Chance Along?" Then, raising his voice, "You don't seem to love this skipper fellow this Black Dennis Nolan. What is the trouble between the pair of you?"

Guess yeou'd see a thing or tew, an' find livin' on a log come as handy as ef yeou was born a turtle. "Waal, I stood it one summer; but it was the longest kind of a job. Come fall I turned contrary, darned the farm, and vaowed I'd go back tew loggin'. Aunt hed got fond er me by that time, and felt dreadful bad abaout my leavin' on her.

"Haven't you any folks at all, Mr. Jerry?" "I ain't a 'mister," said the youth. "I'm not so much older than you and your friends." "You seem a lot older," laughed Ruth, tossing back her hair. "That's because I have been working most of my life and I guess livin' in the woods all the time makes a chap seem old." "And you've lived in the woods?" "With my uncle.

Mis' Slogan, ef she is yore sister, an' I've thought many a time 'at ef I wus in yore place I wouldn't feel safe nuther. They say a pusson sometimes gits softenin' o' the brain frum hatin' folks an' livin' alone like she does. I'd be afeerd to leave the house open at night ef I wus you." "Well!" suddenly broke in Peter, who was the only one remaining at the window.

"Well, this here's gettin' like a story and not like real livin'. Why, I knowed old Brand in Mex. in the old days when a hoss and a gun was about all a guy needed to set up housekeepin'. We was pals. So he's foreman here, eh? Well, you follow his trail close about cattle or hosses and you'll win out." "I been doing that," said Collie. "The other day he told me to keep my eye on one of the boys.

"I ain't so well acquainted with the devil as I ust to be," he said. "I ust to know him reel well; ust to think about him when I was out sailin' figger how to get ahead of him. But late years I'd kind o' forgot He's livin' still, is he?" The artist laughed quietly. "They say so some of them." Uncle William's smile grew wider and sweeter. "Well, let him live. Poor old thing!

The composed and serene aspect of Mave, and the kind, touching tones of her voice, seemed to operate favorably upon her, and to aid her in collecting her confused and scattered thoughts into something like order. "Oh, dear Mave," said she, "what is this? What has happened? Isn't there something wrong? I'm confused. Have I a mother? Have I a livin' mother, that will love me?"

Most always it's the extra frills on a feller's work that pushes the bridge over and lands him underneath with everything on top of him and the job to do again, if he's lucky enough to be livin' at the finish. And yore swashing through that girl's gyarden was a heap unnecessary. It was a close squeak you wasn't drilled by Racey Dawson.

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