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"Sometimes the miner is lucky, and then agin he isn't; but whether he gets a pile or not, he's got to shell over every month, and if he don't come down he gets no license, and can't arn an honest livin'. Now what do you think of such a state of things, hey?" "Perhaps that the government don't know that you feel that the tax is a burden," Fred answered, evasively.

But here it wuz fearful impressive for the savages that destroyed her wuz in livin' form, they haint always materialized. Yes, it wuz a awful seen. And jest beyond it, wuz Burgoyne a scoldin' the savages for the cruelty of the deed. Curius, haint it? How the acts and deeds of a man that he sets to goin', when they have come to full fruition skare him most to death, horrify him by the sight.

I remember just as well!... One of 'em and me struck up quite an acquaintance " "Naturally he'd take to you on sight." "Ow? Strynge 'ow we 'it it off, eigh?... You myke me think of 'im. Young chap, 'e was, the livin' spi't-'n-himage of you. It don't happen, does it, you're the same man?" "Oh, go to the devil!" "Naughty!" said the captain serenely, wagging a reproving forefinger.

From them that kept their night-watches on the newly built pyramids, to the astronimers of to-day who are spending their lives in the study of the heavens. If every one of them learned men of the world, livin' and dead, if they all stood in rows in our door-yard in front of little Samantha Joe, they would have to bow their haughty heads before her, and put their finger on their lips.

At first Maud had been horribly afraid of Joan. "A wild thing like her, livin' off there in the hills with that man, why, ma, there's no tellin' what she might be doin' to me." "She won't hurt ye," laughed Mrs. Upper, who had lived in the wilds herself, having been a frontierman's wife before the days even of this frontier town and having married the hotel-keeper as a second venture.

The Cap'n blinked his growing amazement. "And the scheme is," continued Hiram, "to have old law shark of an Alcander, as trial justice, sentence the livin' skeleton on each separate trespass offence, fine and imprisonment in default of payment.

"Oh dear! oh dear me!" sez I, and we both sot silent for a spell. And then thinkin' I must say sunthin' and wantin' to strike a safe subject and a good lookin' one, I sez: "Where is your Aunt Cassandra's girl? That pretty girl I see to your house once?" "That girl is in the lunatick asylum." "Serepta Pester," sez I, "be you tellin' the truth?" "Yes, I be, the livin' truth.

That's as much money as I make out of this whole blamed farm, and I have to work and not play for a livin'. If Wallace is the man you want, take him, and I won't put a straw in his way. Only I hope you'll sorter hint to him that we'd take it kindly if he'd make it a point to drop over here once in a while and take supper with mother and me, and stay all night, if he'd care to.

All he said, however, was, "You don't tell me!" "Yes, I want to talk with you about getting me a position." "A position?" "Yes, I've been thinking a great deal lately, and, now that grandfather seems to be a little better, and I'm not needed to help take care of him, I want to do something to earn my living." "Earn your livin'? Why, child alive, you don't need to do that.

"Who'd work for a livin'?" Jim triumphantly demanded. "Pick an' shovel work!" he sneered. "Work like a dog all my life, an' save all my wages, an' I wouldn't have half as much as we got tonight." "Dish washin's about your measure, an' you couldn't get more'n twenty a month an' board. Your figgers is 'way off, but your point is well taken. Let them that likes it, work.