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But she sighed again, in spite of the energy of her words, and stood gazing at the place where the coach had disappeared. She was still a comparatively young woman, and straight of body; but trouble, poverty and night-watches had scored many lines on her forehead. "Don't you worry," said Sarah. "Miss Laura'll be all right. She's just a bit too clever brains for two, that's what it is.

If they chat at all when on deck, it is 'on the sly, and out of sight and hearing of the vigilant officers, who have eyes like the lynx, and ears as sharp as needles. At 4 P.M. commences the dog-watch that is, the ordinary watch of four hours divided into two watches of half that length; and the use of them is to shift the rotation of the night-watches.

There is a great scene in the last book of Scripture, the whole solemn significance of which, I suppose, we shall not understand till we have learned it by experience, but the truth of which we have sufficient premonitions to assure us of, which declares that at a given time, on the confines of Eternity, the Great White Throne is to be set, and the books are to be opened, and the dead are judged 'out of the books, which, the seer goes on to explain, is 'according to their works. The story of Esther tells us how the sleepless monarch in the night-watches sent for the records of the kingdom and had them read to him.

The doctor said so, when he came in the early summer morning. I believe we had come to know the nature of the illness in the night-watches that had gone before. As to hope of ultimate recovery, or even evil prophecy of the probable end, the cautious doctor would be entrapped into neither.

It is true, however, that her performance of clog-dancing during the night-watches drew a larger and more persistent attendance of students and young surgeons than ever was seen before. Yet everybody loved her! Even her patients! "If it amooses you, miss, to make me tyke the pills wot's meant for the lydy in the next ward, I ain't complyning," said an East End newsboy.

For the best part of his men, though they had great experience and showed an irresistible courage in all engagements, yet by their frequent marches, changing their camps, attacking fortifications, and keeping long night-watches, were getting worn-out and broken; they being now old, their bodies less fit for labor, and their courage, also, beginning to give way with the failure of their strength.

During the night-watches some cynical old sailors will crawl into them and coil themselves away there for a nap. While employed in polishing them one man in each pot, side by side many confidential communications are carried on, over the iron lips. It is a place also for profound mathematical meditation.

Often in the long calm days of the home-voyage, and oftener still in the night-watches, I pondered in my heart the items of Mrs. Rayne's history, and pieced them together like bits of mosaic the gray eyes and the gray dress, the identity of name, the indefinite terrors of her sea-voyage, the little touch concerning Lancelot and Guinevere, her emotion when I mentioned the Sapphire.

The Doc talked to him awhile he was inclined to rave gave him a half-grain jolt of morphine and saw him to sleep. He told the signal quartermaster that he had better have a nap before he dropped in his tracks. "But the night-watches, sir?" "We'll leave the night-watches to the ship's crew and Providence. The watch may sleep on the job, but the Lord won't at least I hope not.

"If one could but live long enough!" Selingman sighed. "All over the universe it comes. Where was it one read of footsteps that sounded amongst the hills like footsteps upon wool? In the night-watches you can hear those footsteps. The world trembles with them." "And after all," Maraton continued, "the sun of the world's happiness is made up of the happiness of units.