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By the time that we were well clear of Les Stevenets night had fallen; but for the previous hour the sky had been gradually clearing, so that by the end of the second dog-watch it was a fine, clear, star-lit night.

Then more weird squeaking was heard, and a second pig imitated his comrade's example, jumping also from the boat overboard just as if they were playing the game of "follow my leader" which we often indulged in when sky-larking in the second dog-watch!

Wilbur and Charlie had berthed forward during that night Charlie with the hands, Wilbur in the Captain's hammock. The reason for this change of quarters had been found in a peremptory order from Moran during the dog-watch the preceding evening.

And at the second mate's first word, the trap door dropped shut, I clattered out of the foc'sle, and to work; but I was turning that little matter of the forepeak hatch over in my mind, you bet! It was near dusk, well on in the first dog-watch, when the mates let up with their driving, and herded all hands aft to the main deck.

At this time it was about two bells in the first dog-watch, and they could therefore reckon on some ten hours of complete darkness sufficient, as the captain believed and hoped, to allow them to overtake the other two ships of the squadron.

For four hours she had been on her present course, and was therefore approaching the coast of England again. At the beginning of the first dog-watch, there were some signs of a change of weather. The fog appeared to be lifting, and the wind came in less violent gusts. In the steerage, among the rebels, the most unalloyed misery prevailed.

It was the second dog-watch, the evening was clear, and the three ships were slipping slowly over the undulating Pacific swell. Flinders was below chatting to his friends about old times, and the officers were having a quiet smoke, when a cry of "Breakers ahead!" from both the quarterdeck and forecastle rang out in the quiet night.

A moment later we shot at racing speed betwixt two pier heads of broken water; the lead began to be cast, the captain to bawl down his anxious directions, the schooner to tack and dodge among the scattered dangers of the lagoon; and at one bell in the first dog-watch we had come to our anchor off the north-east end of Middle Brooks Island, in five fathoms water.

Indeed, I did n't know till this evening there were so many watches in the world, at all. But this is just what I want, and just what I'm resolved to have. Tier shall command one watch and I'll command the other. Jack's shall be the `dog-watch, as they call it, and mine shall be the `middle-watch, and last till morning. You shall be in Jack's watch, Rose, and Biddy shall be in mine.

"He's gone to his last muster!" It was Two Bells in the first dog-watch before the Ruby closed with us sufficiently to speak with us; when she reported that she had parted with the other ships of the squadron even before she had lost sight of us at the commencement of the gale, not seeing anything of them since.