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It is the adolescent stage: where the lisp or drawl, most popular in the advanced circles, is affected with unquestionable propriety: when growing girls of susceptible sixteen, or thereabout, are meekly subjected to a rigid training and instruction by their older and more sophisticated sisters, when they learn "dauncing" and "tennis" and "riding," and go to small-and-earlies where a few grown couples are also invited to amuse them, or rather I should say instruct them.

And his grey eyes, compressed mouth and square and obstinate chin lent an expression of great austerity to his long face. The grief of his life was that, being afflicted with a somewhat childish lisp, he had never been able to make his full merits known when a public prosecutor, for he esteemed himself to be a great orator. And this secret worry rendered him morose.

The Deacon then repeated a short piece of poetry, his wife followed, and then all the children one after another, even down to Bob a little three-year-old, who just managed to lisp out, with a charming mixture of pride and bashfulness, Jesus, tender Seperd, Has' thou died faw me, Make me vewy fwankful In my heart to thee.

So cease talking about Caesar and pass no severer judgments on dilettanti in the purple than on your wealthy pupils, who paint and chisel for the mere love of it, and for whom you find it so easy to lisp out 'charming, or 'wonderfully pretty, or 'remarkably nice. Take my warning in good part, you know I mean it well."

"Tell me, Sophy," she said, "was Elsie always as shy as she seems to be now, in talking with those to whom she is friendly?" "Alway jes' so, Miss Darlin', ever sense she was little chil'. When she was five, six year old, she lisp some, call me Thophy; that make her kin' o' 'shamed, perhaps: after she grow up, she never lisp, but she kin' o' got the way o' not talkin' much.

"And it is agreed that Johnnie could cure himself of his lisp if he chose, and if you would continually remind him of it?" "Oh yes, certainly it is."

"The way to eat a sheep's head," exclaimed a florid man, "is with plain sauce. Clams are not kind after nightfall. Champagne destroyed the coats of W. Wickham, Mayor of the bon vivants. Sic transit overtook my rapid transit. Heigh-ho!" "Hear me lisp a couplet," said the great poet Saxe. "Oh, how many a slip 'twixt the couplet and the cup! Abdomen dominates.

And his grey eyes, compressed mouth and square and obstinate chin lent an expression of great austerity to his long face. The grief of his life was that, being afflicted with a somewhat childish lisp, he had never been able to make his full merits known when a public prosecutor, for he esteemed himself to be a great orator. And this secret worry rendered him morose.

She spoke in a low, eager voice, with a curious lisp in her utterance. "But for God's sake do what I ask you. Go back and never set foot upon the moor again." "But I have only just come." "Man, man!" she cried. "Can you not tell when a warning is for your own good? Go back to London! Start tonight! Get away from this place at all costs! Hush, my brother is coming! Not a word of what I have said.

Now I can well believe that no man could frighten you. Consequently you get along all right with men. Do I need to tell you the rest?" "I never thought of myself as being afraid of women," he replied. "It has always seemed that they were, well, just out of my line." They had reached the tent but the girl made no sign of going in. In the silence the sibilant lisp of the stream rose loud about them.