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Amberley approached with his short-stemmed daisy. "How do you do, little girl?" he inquired in his most polite manner. "Would you like a daisy?" "Yes," was the reply, spoken with a slight lisp. "You are very good to feed Simon," Amberley proceeded, quite set at ease by the gracious acceptance of his offering. "Yes;" said the child once more, this time with a rising inflection.

We, especially, who are teachers and parents, should see to it that the young get "hand-craft" while they are getting "rede-craft." How can this be done? Mothers begin right in the nursery, teaching little fingers to play before the tongue can lisp a sentence. Alas! this natural training has often been stopped at school.

What I loathed particularly was his lisp. His tongue must have been a little too long or something of that sort, for he continually lisped, and seemed to be very proud of it, imagining that it greatly added to his dignity. He spoke in a slow, measured tone, with his hands behind his back and his eyes fixed on the ground.

It was as if it, too, suffered the agony of mortal pain in sympathy with the child. Soon the child began to lisp and they bent their heads to listen. "I am ... going ... out ... in ... the wind ... again," he said, "to find ... my ... mother." "Charlie!" cried Seth, in a voice whose anguish sounded high above the winds. "Stay! It is we who love you, Cyclona and I. Stay with us!"

What good do they think they can do, a couple of sissies, and two or three kid vamps, setting up to lisp religion? It's ridiculous!" He was working himself up into a fine frenzy. Julia Cloud stood and watched him, an amused smile growing on her sweet lips. He caught the amusement, and fired up at it. "What are you looking like that at me for, Cloudy? You know it is. You know it's all foolishness.

Every five minutes a young girl came in to purchase a few sous worth of goods. Therese served the people with words that were ever the same, with a smile that appeared mechanically on her lisp. Madame Raquin displayed a more unbending, a more gossipy disposition, and, to tell the truth, it was she who attracted and retained the customers.

Edith may be wife to another, if thou wilt, barren spouse of the Church or mother of children who lisp not Harold's name as their father. Out on these priests with their mummeries, and out on their war upon human hearts!" His fair brow grew stern and fierce as the Norman Duke's in his ire; and had you seen him at the moment you would have seen the true brother of Sweyn.

"I have been introduced to her twice," she continued, "but of course I wouldn't speak to her. The little man with the lisp, next to her, who is always acting in that silly way, they call Toots Cuthbert. He gets his name in the newspapers by leading cotillons in New York and Newport. And the tall, slim, blond one, with the green hat and the feather in it, is Jimmy Wing.

Dreot's, There was the high-road that went through Gator Hill to Clinton and then to Polwint; here were the paths across the fields to Lucent, the lanes that led to the valley of the Lisp, all the paths like spiders' webs through Rothin Wood, from whose curve you could see Polchester, grey and white, with its red-brown roofs and the spires of the Cathedral thrusting like pointing fingers into the heaven.

He would stand up on his tiptoes, then bob himself quite low down; then hop up, with both legs at once, sigh, groan, close his eyes so tightly that the tears streamed from them, and then open them as wide as they would go; gaze incessantly at the beautiful Magdalene, sigh afresh, and lisp out in his mournful, castrato voice, "Ah, Carissima! Benedetissima! Ah, Marianna! Marianna! Belissima!" &c.