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Plenty time lockee up Missy topside house; no can walkee no can talkee no hab got how can get? must washee washee allee same Chinaman. Ole man go dead Missy all lightee now. Plenty fun. Plenty stay in Blown's big house, top-side hill; Blown first-chop man." Had he inquired he might have found this pagan testimony, for once, corroborated by the Christian neighbors.

The guards at the first alarm leaped to their feet, caught up their matchlocks, and ran to aid in the defense of the wall. Two minutes later a man ran up to the cage. "All lightee," he said; "just what me hopee." With his knife he cut the tough withes that held the bamboos in their places, and pulled out three of the bars. "Come along," he said; "no time to lose."

Here they saw a group of Chinamen squatting on the floor, engaged in playing a game with small figures carved in bone. "Hi, boys," called Mr. Martin; "can tell where Ching-Fu keeps?" "My tellee massa," cried one of the younger men, rising. "My go long that side, show wai-lo." "Come on, then: chop-chop." "Allo lightee, massa: my savvy."

"Wantchee dlink," replied Sin Sin Wa. "Oh, I see. If I go out into the passage it will be all right?" "Allee lightee." Even as he softly crooned the words came a heavy squelch of rubbers upon the wet pavement outside, followed by a rapping on the door. Sin Sin Wa glanced aside at Sir Lucien, and the latter immediately withdrew, partly closing the door.

"All lightee!" responded Ki Sing, with alacrity. Whatever objections may be made to the Chinaman, he cannot be charged with laziness. As a class they are willing to labor faithfully, even where the compensation is small.

The Chinaman replied in his idea of English: "Allee lightee, dockee, him wellee happy now allee samee 'Melican man angel." Loo Foo had been converted, it was said, when he carried on the business of washee-washee in a mining-camp, for, as he had expressed it: "More lovee 'Melican man Joss, gettee more washee."

"'Me makee all lightee for Sclaggsee, you bettee, hellee dammee! says he. "He was that earnest I overlooked the name. 'Good, says I. 'Now, Charlie, you cut wood, haul water, and keep things goin' out there and your fifty is waitin' for you on Tuesday.

Sin clenched her hands, holding them rigidly against her hips; and, nostrils dilated, she stared at the smiling Chinaman. "What do you mean?" she demanded. Sin Sin Wa performed his curious oriental shrug. "You putta topside pidgin on Sir Lucy alla lightee," he murmured. "Givee him hell alla velly proper." The pupils of the woman's eyes contracted again, and remained so.

Ah Fung allee lightee now topside. Chasee filly doggy. Allee velly proper. No bhobbery." "Talk less and act more," said Mrs. Sin. "Tie him up, and if you must talk, talk Chinese. Tie him up." She pointed to Kerry. Sin Sin Wa tucked his hands into his sleeves and shuffled towards the masked door communicating with the inner room.

Sounds of singing came from within. A Chinaman opened the door to his knock. Smith asked if the master was at home. "Massa inside allo lightee," answered the man. "Me go fetchee, chop-chop." He soon returned, followed by a stalwart bearded Australian of about fifty years, smoking a big pipe. "Well, mate," he said, eyeing Smith curiously by the light of the door lamp; "what can I do for you?"