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Its head was flat and rectangular, without any features saving a pair of long and heavy lidded, light eyes, that were fixed on mine with an expression of hellish glee. For some seconds I was too appalled even to think, and then the most mad desire to kill myself surged through me. I raised my revolver, and was in the act of placing it to my forehead, when a loud shout from behind startled me.

He quoted from the poets, not from his own Oriental poets, but snatches from Campion and Wilde, vowing that "There was a garden in her face, Where roses and white lilies grow," and adding, with points of fire dancing in his heavy lidded eyes, "Her neck is like white melilote, Flushing for pleasure of the sun,"

Four hungry youngsters commence slicing ham and pork, four frying pans are brought out from as many hinged and lidded soap boxes when one man yells out hurriedly, "Look out, Joe, there's your coffee pot handle coming off." And he drops his frying pan to save his coffee pot, which he does, minus the spout and handle.

For as she talked the spirit of old Egypt moved up, staring down upon him out of eyes lidded so curiously level. Hitherto all had prated to him of the Arabs, their ancient faith and customs, and the splendour of the Bedouins, those Princes of the Desert. But what he sought, barely confessed in words even to himself, was something older far than this. And this strange, dark woman brought it close.

There was only the high flush which she could not control, and the gaze, heavy lidded, was not so sure as it might have been. She was quietly, rather pleasantly, dizzy. "I wish " she said. "I wi-ish " "What do you wi-ish?" "Oh, I I dunno what I wish!" "If you ain't a card!" He had lighted a cigar, and, leaning toward her, blew out a fragrant puff to her. "M-m-m!" she said; "it's a Cleopatra."

She stood there, white hands clasping the bare rail, lithe, sinewy, lazy body, tilted a bit backward as though in the grasp of the spitting wind. Her throat was bare to it, and her breast. Her lips were parted. Her eyes were deep lidded. Her head was poised like a tiger lily upon its stalk.... He stood there, enveloped in the blackness.... For a long time she stood motionless.

It was with the hope of finding out whether this pistol had been lately used that Colwyn turned his attention to the velvet-lined interior of the case. The inside was divided into a large compartment for the pistols and several small lidded spaces. In one of these he found some shot, a box of percussion caps, and a powder-flask half-full of common gunpowder.

It would have been useless to point out to her that she had gone on a purely business errand. It was one of those small meannesses of which she was herself incapable, and a proportion of warmth had died out of her belief. "You know my sister Jane's son?" said a farmer's wife, who had stopped her trap at the cottage to pick up a lidded wisket in which some earthenware had been packed.

It was a drowsy morning, full of dronings and rustlings, and he was very heavy lidded as he stepped into the booth reserved for such calls. He had been expecting a message from Indianapolis about some shipment that had gone astray and for which he was putting in a claim. He sank heavily down upon the hard, polished little stool. The air was stuffy and foul about him. "This Mr.

She fixed him with her clear blue eyes, square lidded and earnest. "Brewster's Series nineteen. Map twenty-four. Square F. North twenty-seven. West thirty-three," she said. He looked at her in sheer amazement. "You wonder! You absolute wonder!" he gasped. "If I were dead I should remember that," she said. "It's stuck for good."