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Updated: August 8, 2024

Wardour-Devereux. Itchincope was famous for its hospitality. Yet Beauchamp, when in the presence of his hostess, could see that he was both unexpected and unwelcome. Mrs. Lespel was unable to conceal it; she looked meaningly at Cecilia, talked of the house being very full, and her husband engaged till late in the afternoon. And Captain Baskelett had arrived on a sudden, she said.

Austin may be right, then! Cecilia reflected aloud. She went to Mrs. Lespel to repeat what she had extracted from Palmet, after warning the latter not, in common loyalty, to converse about his canvass with Beauchamp. 'Did you speak of Mr. Lydiard as Captain Beauchamp's friend? Mrs. Devereux inquired of him. 'Lydiard? why, he was the man who made off with that pretty Miss Denham, said Palmet.

'Who has been putting that nonsense into your head? Mr. Lespel retorted. 'Go shooting, go shooting! Shots were heard in the woods. Palmet pricked up his ears; but he was taken out riding to act cavalier to Mrs. Devereux and Miss Halkett. Cecilia corrected his enthusiasm with the situation. 'No flatteries to-day. There are hours when women feel their insignificance and helplessness.

'They have Captain Beauchamp's address hung up there, I have heard, said Mrs. Lespel. 'There may be other things another address, though it is not yet, placarded. Come with me. For fifteen years I have never once put my head into that room, and now I 've a superstitious fear about it. Mrs.

I've asked half-a-dozen of these country gentlemen-tradesmen to lunch at my table to-day. 'Then, sir, observed Ferbrass, 'if they are men to be persuaded, they had better not see me. 'True; they're my old supporters, and mightn't like your Tory face, Mr. Lespel assented. Mr. Ferbrass congratulated him on the heartiness of his espousal of the Tory cause. Mr.

The older woman nodded. 'Without that. 'My dear Mrs. Lespel, wait till you have heard him. He is at war with everything we venerate and build on. The wife you would give him should be a creature rooted in nothing in sea-water. Simply two or three conversations with him have made me uncomfortable ever since; I can see nothing durable; I dream of surprises, outbreaks, dreadful events.

'Dollikins? Palmet consulted a perturbed recollection. Among the entangled list of new names he had gathered recently from the study of politics, Dollikins rang in his head. He shouted, 'Yes, Dollikins! to be sure. Lespel has him to lunch to-day; calls him a gentleman- tradesman; odd fish! and told a fellow called where is it now? a name like brass or copper . . . Copperstone?

'And as to Bevisham, said Mr. Culbrett, 'it's the identical borough for a Radical candidate, for every voter there demands a division of his property, and he should be the last to complain of an adoption of his principles. 'Clever, rejoined Beauchamp; 'but I am under government'; and he swept a bow to Mrs. Lespel. As they were breaking up the group, Captain Baskelett appeared. 'Ah!

Grancey Lespel on the day of his departure for France, and was a present from that lady, purchased, like so many presents, at a cost Cecilia would have paid heavily in gold to have been spared, namely, a public blush. She was allowed to make her choice, and she chose the profile, repeating a remark of Mrs. Culling's, that it suggested an arrow-head in the upflight; whereupon Mr.

At least it is perfectly true that I do not look with the same eyes on my country. He seems to delight in destroying one's peaceful contemplation of life. The truth is that he blows a perpetual gale, and is all agitation, Cecilia concluded, affecting with a smile a slight shiver. 'Yes, one tires of that, said Mrs. Lespel. 'I was determined I would have him here if we could get him to come.

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