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Updated: August 21, 2024

Perhaps I did, so I entered the shop immediately and said in a reasoning tone, "I am looking for rooms in the village, Mademoiselle, and hear you have one to let. Can I see it now, if not too much trouble?" "You come from Morreall?" This I learnt was meant for Montreal. "Yes," I returned. "You are by yourself, Monsieur, you are sure? No ladees, eh?" "O dear! No" said I laughing.

When we had concerts he used to give us clever imitations of the late Harry Fragson in his "Margarita" and other varieties, to the accompaniment of the mouth-organ band. He used to say: "Ze Engleesh soldier très bon ze French soldier bon mais ze Allemand no bon!" On one occasion he told us: "Après la guerre, ze Engleesh soldier beaucoup admirers ladees! Ze French soldier admirers, too.

A general glance of approbation followed from the gentlemen's side, a welcoming murmur ran along the ladies', and the fifty pairs of eyes changed their focus for a moment. Taking advantage of which, Mr. Bopp righted himself, and burst out with a decided, "Ladees und gentlemen: the time have arrived that we shall begin.

Will the gentlemen serve the ladees to a wand, each one, then spread theirselves about the hall, and follow the motions I will make as I shall count." Five minutes of chaos, then all fell into order, and nothing was heard but the leader's voice and the stir of many bodies moving simultaneously.

"She wasn't like some of those ladees I've 'ad aboard. She was a proper salt-water lass. She loved to 'ear my yarns of the sea. When she was big with child an' I ashore, I 'ad the 'abit o' droppin' in o' afternoons and 'avin' a slice of 'am or chicken out o' the safe. Afa ran 'er bloody show for 'er, an' it cost 'er a bloody fortune. I used to lie for 'er to 'ear 'er laugh.

"Ladees and gentlemans. Ze chairman have spoke. I am Mahmoud Click, ze great seer, ze great mind-read, ze great bump-read, ze great profess. "An' also have I bring for do ze magic pass," thrusting a hand within his robe, "Tom ze Terrible, ze son of Tom, ze son of Tom." The hand reappeared, and placed on the table a tiny black kitten.

"Do you really?" the boys asked him, and he replied, "Pshaw! that's easy, but watch, sonny, and see what he'll try next." Meanwhile the man had taken off his tall silk hat. "You see this hat, ladees an' gents? Just a simple piece of headwear that has seen many suns and rains. No false bottom or top." And he tapped the hat to show them it was just an ordinary hat.

Mildini, who, it seemed, was "Mademoiselle Therese," who not only could draw enchanting melodies from a violin, but could make it speak in the language of various barnyard creatures, such as geese, chickens, pigs oh, almost anything. And the music she could extract from one string "one string, mind you, ladees and gentlemun!" It was marvelous.

The professor himself, however, was plainly disconcerted, to the particular delight of Peters and his circle of friends, who, as the mind-reader continued to hesitate, clapped more and more loudly. Finally the seer arose. "Well, ladees and gentlemans, if you wish, certainly. Though I do read just as good with my eyes open."

Then he took another bottle and said some more: "One bottle of this medicine is worth five dollahs. Who would not give a paltry five dollahs for to be cured of his miseries? But ladees and gents, because I was once born in your beautiful ceety I will sell " "Why, he even forgot its name," whispered Jehosophat. "Shush," whispered the Toyman right back at him, "don't give him away."

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