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Updated: August 28, 2024

What an idea, to read the Gazette des Tribunaux!" "It is because this name: Vauthier, somewhat resembles your own that I was induced to read it. And then this very mournful title: Separation de corps. I would prefer divorce myself. A complete divorce that severs the past like a knife-cut." "But what an idea!" repeated Sulpice, who was somewhat uneasy.

The green line that divides them will never give you the answer: it changes hour by hour, day by day; now it is like a knife-cut, deep and straight; and now like a ribbon that wavers and flutters, tying together the blue of the great ocean and the silver of the Seine. Close to the lips of the mighty mouth lie the two shores.

Wouldn't I of been one to go, if it hadn't of been that I had a big knife-cut in my side you could of shoved a cat in give to me by a slant-eyed cuss name of Baldy Winch. Didn't I watch 'em go, the whole seven of 'em, Baldy Winch, rot him, jeerin' at me an' me swearin' I'd get him yet, him an' Gus Ingle an' Preacher Ellson an' the first Brodie an' Jimmy Kelp an' Manny Howard an' the Italian?

It was the simplest and oldest of stories between the two a story that began, doubtless, with the beginning, and will never end as long as two men and one woman, or two women and one man are left on earth the story of the love of one who loves another. Only, to the sufferers the tragedy is always as fresh as a knife-cut, and forever new. Judith cared for nobody.

The words seemed wrung from the Sheriff against his will. "That's my business!" came like a knife-cut from the Girl. "Do you know you're talkin' to the Sheriff?" "I'm talkin' to Jack Rance, the gambler," she amended evenly. "You're right, and he's just fool enough to take you up," returned Rance with sudden decision.

The great valley now defines, sharply as a knife-cut, the northernmost outlines of the Sharr, whose apex, El-Kusayb, towered above our heads. Thorn-trees are abundant; fan-palm bush grows in patches; and we came upon what looked like a flowing stream ruffled by the morning breeze: the guides declared that it is a rain-pool, dry as a bone in summer.

"And his mark, that you were talking of in such mysterious terms, what is that?" "Why, a dead Injun, to be sure, with Nick's mark on him, a knife-cut, or a brace of 'em, over the ribs in the shape of a cross. That's the way the Jibbenainosay marks all the meat of his killing. It has been a whole year now since we h'ard of him."

Finden asked, after a moment. "An accident in the woods so. He arrive, it is las' night, from Great Slave Lake." Finden sighed. "Ten years ago he was a man to look at twice before he did It and got away. Now his own mother wouldn't know him bad 'cess to him! I knew him from the cradle almost. I spotted him here by a knife-cut I gave him in the hand when we were lads together.

His wife's retort was like a knife-cut across the sinews and he felt suddenly weak and powerless. He had meant to humble himself, to argue that Mattie's keep didn't cost much, after all, that he could make out to buy a stove and fix up a place in the attic for the hired girl but Zeena's words revealed the peril of such pleadings.

He's just been layin' 'round a little, like a dog that's been cut up some in a wolf fight, but he's all right now. Shoulder's about well, an' as fer the knife-cut, it never did amount to nothin' much. You can't hurt a Greaser much, not noways such a big one as Juan. But didn't he git action in that little difficulty o' his'n?

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