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Eight hundred ruffians, collected from the collieries at Kingswood and from Cock-road, the haunt of every species of desperadoes; such a gang as this, well paid and well filled with ale, and knowing that, do what they would, they should be protected by the authorities, was a sort of force that was not to be trifled with.

"I am never tired" she answered, gently "I thank you in advance for all you are going to do!" She left the room then, with one backward glance at the inert stiff figure on the bed, and went to arrange matters with her household that the Professor's instructions should be strictly carried out. Lady Kingswood, deeply interested, heard her giving certain orders and asked "There is hope then?

She laughed. "But I must learn to fly with it alone!" "I hope you will do nothing rash!" said Lady Kingswood, mildly; she was very ignorant of modern discovery and invention, and all attempt to explain anything of the kind to her would have been a hope less business "I understand that it is always necessary to take a pilot and an observer in these terrible sky-machines "

Down below Lady Kingswood stood on the seashore by the aerodrome, watching the wonderful ship of the sky with dazzled, scared eyes amazed at the lightning speed of its ascent and the steadiness of its level flight.

And along that noble line of wall which spanned England from sea to sea, might they not perchance foregather some dark and stormy night, when snow drives down before a north-east wind with the dim forms of armoured men, wraiths of the Roman legions, patrolling once more the line that they died to defend? Dicky of Kingswood was making for home one day in early spring.

Why to get to the Thames that bird'd have to go up the Stratford-on-Avon to Kingswood cut, down the Warwick an' Birmingham to Budbrooke with a trifle o' twenty-one locks at Hatton to be worked or walked round; cross by the Warwick an' Napton another twenty-two locks; an' all the way down the Oxford Canal, which from Napton is fifty miles good."

Lady Kingswood looked dubiously at her, but was too tactful to offer any objection such as the "danger of catching cold" which the ordinary duenna would have suggested, and which would have seemed absurd in the warmth and softness of such a summer night. Besides, if Morgana chose to "wander by the light of the moon" who could prevent her? No one!

The Fasts and Festivals of the Church Wesley desired to observe most scrupulously: every Friday was to be kept as a day of abstinence; the very children at Kingswood school were, if healthy, to fast every Friday till 3 P.M. All Saints' Day was his favourite festival, and he made it his constant practice on that day to preach on the Communion of Saints.

The idea had occurred to him in London, where he found congregations too numerous for the church in which he preached, but the first actual step was taken in the neighborhood of Bristol. At a time when he was thus deprived of the chief normal means of exercising his talents his attention was called to the condition of the colliers of Kingswood.

Kingswood does not now, as a year ago, resound with cursing and blasphemy. Peace and love reign there since the preaching of the Gospel in the spring. Great numbers of the people are gentle, mild, and easy to be entreated. July 3. At Gwennap, in Cornwall, I was seized for a soldier. As I was reading my text a man rode up and cried "Seize the preacher for his Majesty's service."