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Just when she was rather losing hope as to the success of her effort, the "one lady" came along in the elfin personality of Morgana Royal, who, after a brief interview in London, selected her with a decision as rapid as it was inexplicable, offering her a salary of five hundred a year, which to Lady Kingswood was a small fortune. "You will have nothing to do but just be pleasant!"

"You must not worry yourself," went on the priest, putting a chair for her in the loggia, and taking one himself "If we sit here we shall see the air-ship returning, I fancy, by the western line, certainly near the sunset. In any case let me assure you there is no danger!" "No danger?" "Absolutely none!" Lady Kingswood looked at him in bewildered amazement.

Yet they had all assured her there was no cause for alarm, they were only going on a short trial trip and would be back to dinner. "Nothing more than a run in a motor-car!" Morgana said, gaily. Nothing more, but to Lady Kingswood it seemed much more.

Some suffered from swollen tongues and swollen necks. Some sweated enormously, and broke out in blasphemous language. At one service, held in the Kingswood schoolroom, the place became a pandemonium; and Cennick himself confessed with horror that the room was like the habitation of lost spirits. Outside a thunderstorm was raging; inside a storm of yells and roars.

"Dear Father Aloysius!" interrupted Morgana, quickly and impulsively "Forgive me! I did not think! I am sure you and the Marchese and Lady Kingswood have the kindest feeling for me! but " "But!" and Aloysius smiled "But it is a little lady that will not be commanded or controlled! Yes that is so!

Am I not right, most reverend Father Aloysius?" and she turned with a radiant smile to the priest whose serious dark eyes rested upon her with an expression of mingled admiration and wonder "I'm so glad to find you here with Lady Kingswood I'm sure you told her there was no danger for me, didn't you? Yes? I thought so! Now do stay and dine with us, please!