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"Kill them, sor!" cried he, springing to his feet from the chair in which he had been seated alongside the colonel, whose injured limb he had been carefully attending to again all the while, his reddish beard and moustache bristling, and his steel-blue eyes flashing out veritable sparks, it seemed of fire. "Faith, killin's too good for 'em, sure, the haythen miscreants!

He's a strong man that's why he gits out into God Almighty's hills to open his troubled heart, 'stead o' tellin' his lonesomeness to men as would make fun o' him. That's 'bout the sorriest sight I ever seed, an' I've seed 'bout my share on 'em Indian killin's, dynamite explosions, an' sech like. 'T ain't many fellers ever has as real a friend as that!"

"Oh, I know I know now he's only been stringin' me all along I know now it's too late that's why I'm goin' t' kill him." "Kill him!" mused Soapy. "Kid, there's good killings an' bad killin's, an' I reckon this 'ud be a good killin', maybe. But this ain't your job." "Why why ain't it?" "Well, you got a sister f'r one thing, an' besides, you ain't a killer."

Logan's reply and question was directed at Landy. Like others, in their first contact with midgets, he was giving Davy the status of a child. He could not credit him with experience or expect counsel from that source. Landy's reply was not comforting. "Wal, hit does look like a couple o' killin's en the expense of two funerals 'fore ye can git action.

"'It don't take the vig'lance committee no time to agree it ain't got nothin' to say in the case. "" It's only on killin's, an' hoss-rustlin's, an' sim'lar breaks." explains Old Monroe, who's chief of the Paloduro Stranglers, "where we-alls gets kyards. We ain't in on what's a mere open-an'-shet case of debt." "'But this Dallas sharp stays right with Cimmaron.

It has already caused th' death of th' old miner, an' mighty nigh th' death of them yunks thar, as you'll soon larn, an' death is still hot on th' trail, so it's jest good boss-sense for us tew be cautious-like. We don't want no more killin's, if we can help it. Now, I reckon, you can begin y'ur yarn," and, seating himself, he nodded his head to Thure and Bud.

He ain't thinkin' about killin's. Nope, he's thinkin' about some quiet place for sleep. I know the place. They's a spring that come out in a holler between two mountains; and the wind blows up the valley all the year; and they's a tree that stands over the spring. That's where I'll put him. He loved the sound of runnin' water; and the wind'll be on his face; and the tree'll sort of mark the place.

Th' men from Last's will be with us, we can gamble on that." "Yes," said Thomas, "but it'll be war. Open war. There'll be killin's then." Jameson, a quiet man with deep eyes, made a wide gesture. "What if there is?" he asked, "might's well be done in th' open as in th' dark an' unseen. Might better be!

You don't care how many enemies you make. You know you'll never get office again in this county. What do you care now? It's amazin' strange how earnest you are to hunt down the man who killed that particular Greaser. I reckon there's been some dozen or more killin's of Greasers in the last year. Why don't you take to trailin' some of them killin's? I'll tell you why.

"Any heedless killin's right now would bring on a heap of trouble afore I'm ready fer hit but ye hain't no more fretful ter hev him die then what I be an' thet's what we're buildin' up this hyar night-rider outfit ter do." "Thet's another thing thet disquiets me, though," objected Squires.