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'Indeed, I hope to do what I can for them. 'They are good children, Sir Jasper, all of them, even the poor boy that is in trouble out of the very warmth of his heart; but 'tis Richard who would be the credit to you, if you would lend him the helping hand. Where is the boy, Kally? 'He is gone to call on Mr. White.

'Miss Mohun, I would be silent as the grave if I did not know that the old lady went talking here and there, never thinking of the harm she was doing. She was so carried away by the idea of making a lady of Kally. She says she was a beauty herself, though you would not think it now, and she is perfectly puffed up about Kally.

Kalliope attempted some excuse of putting away designs, but presently peeped from the window, and Gillian, with excited curiosity, imitated her, and beheld, lingering about, a young man in the pink of fashion, with a tea-rose in his buttonhole and a cane in his hand. 'Oh, Kally, she cried, 'does he often hang about like this waiting for you? 'Not often, happily. There! old Mr.

"One hundred and fifty-five I think, to be precise. That communication will wait, won't it? What is it Kally Nath Mitter's paper and stores bill? You won't be able to pay it any quicker if we withdraw our advertisement." "Why should ye withdraw it?" "It was given to you on the understanding that notices should appear of every Wednesday and Saturday's performance.

She was refreshed and vivified she wanted to talk of the warm world. She let a decent interval elapse, however; she waited till he took his hand from his eyes. Even then, to make the transition easier, she said, "You ought to be lifted up to-day, if you are going to baptise Kally Nath to-morrow." "The Brother Superior will do it. And I don't know I don't know.

Frank was always after Kally, and how she could not bear him, and gave up the Sunday walk to avoid him, and how he had tried to get her to marry him, and go to Italy with him; but she would not hear of it. 'Just the thing the little chatterbox would be proud of, but it is no harm that "Mon oncle des iles Philippines" should know. "I see his little game" was what Mr.

She was refreshed and vivified she wanted to talk of the warm world. She let a decent interval elapse, however; she waited till he took his hand from his eyes. Even then, to make the transition easier, she said, "You ought to be lifted up to-day, if you are going to baptize Kally Nath to-morrow." "The Brother Superior will do it. And I don't know I don't know.

Oh, here's some one coming! 'Can I be of any use? Most welcome sound! -though it was actually Captain Henderson the ubiquitous wheeling his bicycle up the hill, knapsack of sketching materials on his back. 'Miss Merrifield! Miss White! I trust no one is hurt! 'Oh no, thank you, unless it is the poor pony! Kally, sit down on the bank, I insist! Oh, I am so glad you are come!

Yes, the young gentleman is come back, not a bit daunted. Yesterday evening what does he do but drive up in a cab with a great bouquet, and a basketful of grapes, and what not! Poor Kally, she ran in to me, and begged me as a favour to come downstairs with her, and I could do no less.

There was Kally, and there was poor Valetta's mess, and her justifying herself by saying I did more for the Whites than you knew, and altogether, I grew sorry I had begun it, for I was sure it was not acting honestly towards you, Aunt Jane, and I hope you will forgive me. Miss Mohun put her arm round the girl and kissed her heartily. 'My dear Gill, I am glad you have told me!