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Grizzle was fain to take the whole enterprise upon herself, and next day went to the garrison accordingly, where, having obtained entrance by means of the lieutenant, who, while his commander was asleep, ordered her to be admitted for the joke's sake, she waited patiently till he turned out, and then accosted him in the yard, where he used to perform his morning walk.

Some of the Celts, on their part, took him for some foreign Abbé or Bishop, and were doing their best to explain to him that they were not the wild savages for which, from the startled glance he had thrown on their hirsute proportions, there seemed but too much reason to suspect he had taken them; others, more perspicacious, gave in to the thing for the joke's sake; and there was high fun when Scott dissolved the charm of their stammering, by grasping Crabbe with one hand, and the nearest of these figures with the other, and greeted the whole group with the same hearty good-morning."

LUKÉRYA. You feel worse because you don't appreciate kindness. AFÓNYA. I don't need it! I don't need anything. LUKÉRYA. Well, then just lie on your couch. Do you think I want anything from you? I'm all a-tremble. KRASNÓV comes in. The same and KRASNÓV KRASNÓV. Well, here I am. What a trick I've played! The joke's on Tatyána Danílovna.

"Peter," she cried, "have you opened that packet of letters yet?" "No," said Peter, "I have not." "Then give them to me quickly, Peter," said Linda. Peter rushed into the garage and brought out the packet. Linda caught it in both hands and dropped it in her lap. "Well, thank God," she said devoutly. "And, Peter, the joke's on me.

His face had been fresh-washed, or, rather, drenched, for his shirt and shoulders were wet. His pale hair lay damp and plastered against his forehead, and was darkened by oozing blood. Both arms hung limply by his side. But his face was composed, and he even grinned. "It's all right," he reassured Saxon. "The joke's on me. Somewhat damaged but still in the ring."

"Then he dropped a loop over me, and that's all there is to tell. The joke's on us just now." "So it is," said Casey. "Whatever made you think that kid had anything to do with blowing up the dam?" "Hadn't he?" Casey smiled genially. "Why, how should I know, Mr. Glass? I was just asking what you were going on." "I'm not showing my hand. I don't say the kid did it alone."

I can feel malicious animal magnetism coursin' through every vein and leapin' from crag to crag, says I. 'A joke's a joke, and I can take a joke as well as any man; but when I'm sick in my bed, and the undertaker comes to my house and looks into my window and says, "Darlin'! I am waitin' for thee!" that's no joke.

'A joke's a joke; but a brave man's death's a mighty bad joke. She's a little blood-sucker that lady o yours. And nobody but Nelson'd ha dared to say it." The boy was staring hard. "Did they call you Black Cock, sir? Abercromby's Black Cock?" "That's me, sir, at your service," replied the Parson "Joy of Battle in the Regiment, Abercromby's Black Cock in the Army. What of it?"

But you'll show me everything honour bright wreck, depot, and all? 'Everything; if you don't object to a diver's dress. 'Victory! I cried, in triumph. 'We've won our point, Davies. And now, gentlemen, I don't mind saying that as far as I am concerned the joke's at an end; and, in spite of your kind offer, I must start for England to-morrow' under the good Herr Böhme's wing.

"Might as well know your boss too, boy." Melissy flushed with a flash of temper. "I'm nothing of the kind, dad." "Sho! A joke's a joke, girl. That's twice hand-runnin' I get a call-down. You're mighty high-heeled to-day, 'pears like." Jack smiled grimly. He understood some things that were hidden from Lee.