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Updated: August 15, 2024

An' they warnt me, lang as it was sin' I left it, no to lat 'im ken I cam frae yon pairt o' the country, or he wad be rid o' me in a jiffey, ae w'y or anither. Ay, it was a gran' name that o' Warlock i' thae pairts! though they tell me it gangs na for sae muckle noo. I hae h'ard said,'at ever sin' the auld lord here made awa' wi' the laird o' Glen warlock, the faimily there never had ony luck.

It grows dusk in less than a jiffey after the sun dips in these latitudes at this time o' year," said he. "Hullo! I say, though, that reminds me, Haldane " "Of what, sir?" I asked as he stopped abruptly at this point. "Anything I can do for you, Mr Fosset?" "No, my boy, nothing," he replied reflectively, and looking for the moment to be in as deep a brown study as he accused me of being just now.

Among the hotties I am taking with me for purposes of display, I have included old Pertaub Sing's trained hunter, so we ought to see some sport. By the bye, when is your appeal for my help coming? Just wait till this little business is off my hands, and I'll be with you in a jiffey."

Well, I'll come up and see fair play, and while you're at the fists I'll leave my tog and take his, d'ye twig? Well, up O'Shockady went, and, my crikey! if you had seen how the bloke fired up when his girl was insulted! why, his coat was off in a jiffey, and it was soon farther off than he could catch, I can tell you.

Ben's "jiffey" seemed a good while coming to an end, and long before it did we passed once more into broken water, and the perils of the start were repeated, with the aggravation that we were now across the wind instead of being head on. Wave after wave burst over us, and time after time, as we hung suspended on the crest of some great billow, it seemed as if we never could right ourselves.

That worthy soon picked us out, though; aye, in spite of our sheltering under the lee of the bridge, and being almost concealed in the evening gloom. "S'pose yer afeerd o' clim'in' riggin'?" "Divvle a bit!" replied Mick in a moment. "Oi'd cloimb in a jiffey; ounly the jintleman downstairs, faith, tould us all we wasn't."

This was only for a moment, for the next minute Mr Fosset gave the signal to "hoist away," the falls having been hooked on beneath the thwarts in a jiffey, and up we all went in mid air, "between the devil and the deep sea," as we say afloat sometimes! "Bravo!" cried the skipper when we reached the level of the gangway and were all able to step out on to the deck.

I can see no object in delaying our movements, now that we have determined upon a definite plan." "All right, sir, then here goes," answered Simpson. "I'll be back with the duds in a jiffey."

The small boys ran away as fast as possible to give the alarm, but the police went in, and in a jiffey pulled to pieces the elaborate defences prepared to repel them. Father Coen, the constable said, got to Kenny's house an hour after it was all over, with a mob of people howling and groaning. But the work had been done, and other work also at the Castle of Cloondadauv, to which we next drove.

He thought he was being played with, when, in fact, Boyd was only letting his tongue run on naturally. "Nothing at all, your honour," said Boyd promptly. "The men in the boat just set their oars to the work and were round the corner in a jiffey.

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