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Abner was silent a moment, and then he broke out vehemently: "Look a' here, Cap'n, we hain't got no time fer soft sawder naow, with the milishy a comin daown on us. I kin hear em a drummin up ter Lee a'ready, an every jiffey we stay means a man's life an hangin fer them as is tuk.

As they waited, they observed her proceedings through the half-open door, and commented upon them briefly but expressively, feeling quite bowed down with remorse at the harm they had innocently done. "She's put the room to rights in a jiffey. What jacks we were to let those dogs in and kick up such a row," observed Steve, after a prolonged peep.

"Stan' still," said Peter, "or I ha'e a han'fu' o' twine i' my pooch 'at I'll jist cast a k-not aboot yer airms wi' in a jiffey." His lordship stood still, muttering curses. Then Malcolm stepped into the middle of the room approaching his sister.

She wept with thankful heart and begged him to turn with her and tell Mrs. Dinnett himself. But that he would not do. "It will save time if I go on to Bridport and let Aunt Jenny hear about it. Of course the youngster is our affair and nobody need know about that. But we must be married in a jiffey and you must give notice at the mill to-day. Go back now and tell Best."

After two or three essays his efforts were rewarded with success, the window being softly opened and Bowles' head thrust out, with the low-spoken ejaculation: "Hillo, below there!" "It's me Dickinson," was the equally low-spoken response. "If you're not all turned-in I'd be glad to have a few words with some of yer." "All right, my lad!" said Bowles. "I'll be down in a jiffey.

"I ain't scairt o' no man, and ye know it's well's ye wanter know. I'd go in a jiffey, only bein a young man, I don' like tew put myself forrard tew speak for them as is older." "Why don' ye go yerself, Peleg, if ye be so dretful brave!" inquired Israel Goodrich. "That's so, Peleg, why don' ye go?" "I ain't no talker," said Peleg. "Ther's Ezry, he'd orter go, he's sech a good talker."

She'll have just what the Court gives her, and what her father laid out for her, and I'll work my will, and I'll do his will. Ye're speaking to no fule, here now! Take yere money and yere letters, and bring me the maid, or I'll bundle ye both in a jiffey into the Queen's highway. I'll have none but my own servants here now!"

Lassies canna saw or plane, ye ken. Ye wad tak' aff yer ain lugs in a jiffey." Again she was silent for a long time; and then, with a sigh, she looked up and said: "Alec, I'm so cauld!" "I'll bring my plaid to row ye in the morn's nicht." Annie's heart bounded for joy; for here was what amounted to an express invitation for to-morrow.

So saying, the captain scuttled down the poop ladder on to the spar-deck in a jiffey, and in another second he was descending the main hatch, whence the smoke could be now clearly seen, coming up in clouds. Mrs Major Negus's voice was also heard at this juncture.

But that is very different from being taken away in a jiffey, like some young man who is spending more than he ought to spend, and is hurried off suddenly nobody knows where." Mary, when Mrs. Jones had left the house, found that upon the whole she was thankful to her friend for what had been said.