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"Miss Marian 'asn't returned as yet from the ball," he whispered. "'E 'e's not quite 'imself, sir. 'E's 'ad a bit of a shock, as one might s'y. I'd go easy on 'im, if you'll take a word from me." But P. Sybarite traversed his advice without an instant's consideration. "Brian Shaynon," he called, "you lie!

Molly, after an instant's calculation, saw the point, and shot a wrathful glance across the table. "Well," she remarked, in a judicial summing up of the matter, "you may think you're smart, but that don't help your fare and hands from being so greasy they're just disgusting; and I don't care, so!"

Shocked, stunned, outraged as she felt at the mere fact that such a story had gained an instant's credence in garrison circles, she was overwhelmed by the weight of circumstantial evidence that had been arrayed against her. Only little by little did her mother reveal it to her.

It is said of drowning people that they see the whole panorama of their lives in the last seconds of consciousness; in the instant's pause that followed the manager's announcement, Jim saw Five Creeks renovated and prosperous, and Deb's children running about the old rooms and paddocks, and calling him father a home not quite unworthy of his goddess now, and one that loneliness and poverty would have taught her to appreciate.

Without an instant's hesitation the four children turned and ran back along the forest path; the only pause was Anthea's. She stood back to let Cyril pass, because he was carrying the Lamb, who screamed with delight. 'Gee-up, Squirrel; gee-gee, he shouted, and Cyril did gee-up.

Pending the effort she must make in saying, the girl cut in: "Yes, harm. You've kept your despair dusted off and ready for use at an instant's notice ever since we came, and what good has it done? I'm going to keep on hoping to the bitter end. That's what papa did." It was what the Rev. Archibald Leighton had done with all the consumptive's buoyancy.

He half rose, and as he did so the door in the palace opened a crack and a veiled face peered furtively out. Billy sat down again. "No, thank you," he said, "I think I'd better do a little more of this." In such light ways is the gate of opportunity closed and opened. Everything that happened afterwards with such appalling startlingness hung on that instant's decision.

She will eat with us and sit with us; and I look to you, my girl, to make the change an easy and pleasant one for her. As soon as she understood the drift of her father's speech, Nancy experienced a shock, and could not conceal it. But when silence came, she had commanded herself. An instant's pause; then, with her brightest smile, she turned to Mary and spoke in a voice of kindness.

One day Mona was standing close beside her, while she tried on a fichu which she had been fixing for her to wear that evening, when the woman broke out abruptly, while she scanned her face intently: "For whom are you in mourning, Ruth?" Mona did not know just how to reply to this direct question; but after an instant's reflection she said: "The dearest friend I had in the world.

Cunningham talking," came the answer. "I want to see you on very important business. Can I come this morning?" "I think I didn't catch your name, madam." "My name doesn't matter. I have information about your uncle's death." There was just an instant's pause. Then, "Ten o'clock, at the office here," Rose heard.