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The first of them I should not have published, were I not informed that there is many a Husband who suffers very much in his private Affairs by the indiscreet Zeal of such a Partner as is hereafter mentioned; to whom I may apply the barbarous Inscription quoted by the Bishop of Salisbury in his Travels; Dum nimia pia est, facta est impia.

He was distraught and nervous, but he managed to quote Horace by way of reply: "Destrictus ensis cui super impia Cervice pendet, non Siculae dapes. . . ." The Canon's fondness for Horace accounts, I suppose, for the name he gave his daughter. His habit of quoting is troublesome to me; because I cannot always translate what he says.

And feeling that our ways were now divided, he continued: Hie locus est, partes ubi se via findit in ambas. Dextera, quae Ditis magni sub moenia tendit Hac iter Elysium nobis; at laeva malorum Exercet poenas et ad impia Tartara mittit. "I cannot kill myself at present, but as soon as I feel able I shall do so."

It is very curious to observe how the strangers flock to Paris in order to enjoy the spectacle of themselves, reckoning the French for nothing save the ministers of their pleasures, et improbi turba impia vici.

IX. Upon his first succeeding to power, he felt such an abhorrence for the shedding of blood, that, before his father's arrival in Rome, calling to mind the verse of Virgil, Impia quam caesis gens est epulata juvencis, Ere impious man, restrain'd from blood in vain, Began to feast on flesh of bullocks slain, he designed to have published a proclamation, "to forbid the sacrifice of oxen."

Lucian is the Voltaire of a credulous age. As for sacerdotal magic, Ovid explicitly ascribed the ex opere operato doctrine to the Greeks. Graecia principium moris fuit; illa nocentes impia lustratos ponere facta putat, a nimium faciles, qui tristia crimina caedis fluminea tolli posse putatis aqua. The Christian Church was the last great creative achievement of the classical culture.

And yet those were still more to blame who of old gave leave that criminals, to what sort of death soever condemned, should be cut up alive by the physicians, that they might make a true discovery of our inward parts, and build their art upon greater certainty; for, if we must run into excesses, it is more excusable to do it for the health of the soul than that of the body; as the Romans trained up the people to valour and the contempt of dangers and death by those furious spectacles of gladiators and fencers, who, having to fight it out to the last, cut, mangled, and killed one another in their presence: "Quid vesani aliud sibi vult ars impia ludi, Quid mortes juvenum, quid sanguine pasta voluptas?"

But his limbs were rigid his lips were livid his lately beaming eyes were riveted in death. I staggered back towards the table my hand fell upon a cracked and blackened goblet and a consciousness of the entire and terrible truth flashed suddenly over my soul. Impia tortorum longos hic turba furores Sanguinis innocui, non satiata, aluit.

'quaedum Nimia pia fuit, facta est Impia' No. 47. Tuesday, April 24, 1711. Addison. 'Ride si sapis. Mart. Mr.

LXX. A private entertainment which he gave, commonly called the Supper of the Twelve Gods , and at which the guests were dressed in the habit of gods and goddesses, while he personated Apollo himself, afforded subject of much conversation, and was imputed to him not only by Antony in his letters, who likewise names all the parties concerned, but in the following well-known anonymous verses: Cum primum istorum conduxit mensa choragum, Sexque deos vidit Mallia, sexque deas Impia dum Phoebi Caesar mendacia ludit, Dum nova divorum coenat adulteria: Omnia se a terris tunc numina declinarunt: Fugit et auratos Jupiter ipse thronos.