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Updated: December 1, 2024

From this scene, from these thoughts, the young loiterer turned with a sigh towards the solitary house in which this night could awaken none but the most anxious feelings, and that moon could beam only on the most troubled hearts. "Terra salutiferas herbas, eademque nocentes Nutrit; et urticae proxima saepe rosa est."

Ratio est quod utrumque praedictorum miraculorum fuit contra naturam; sed punire reos et nocentes naturale est et usitatum, quamvis Deus punierit peccatores AEgyptios per modum inusitatum supernaturaliter Jordanus sic nominatur a duobus fontibus, quorum unus vocatur JOR et alius vocatur DAN: inde JORDANUS, ut ait Hieronymus, locorum orientalium persedulus indagator.

"Well, there was that word in the letter 'Margota cum Turennio, ambo nocentes, conveniunt in castello nomine Loignac. Mon Dieu! how I regret that my knowledge is not as great as my memory is good." "Ambo nocentes," repeated Marguerite, in a low voice, and turning very pale, "he understood it all." "Margota cum Turennio, ambo nocentes," repeated Henri.

From this scene, from these thoughts, the young loiterer turned with a sigh towards the solitary house in which this night could awaken none but the most anxious feelings, and that moon could beam only on the most troubled hearts. "Terra salutiferas herbas, eademque nocentes Nutrit; et urticae proxima saepe rosa est."

Lucian is the Voltaire of a credulous age. As for sacerdotal magic, Ovid explicitly ascribed the ex opere operato doctrine to the Greeks. Graecia principium moris fuit; illa nocentes impia lustratos ponere facta putat, a nimium faciles, qui tristia crimina caedis fluminea tolli posse putatis aqua. The Christian Church was the last great creative achievement of the classical culture.

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