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"You may inform the managers of the parade that I will be delighted to have them send their army of intimidated workmen down to West street, and I may be able to entertain them. "Those who come within reach of my voice will, I think, hear news that will hold them, as against a brass band and fireworks. If not, then they would be better off in the wake of the procession," exclaims Trueman icily.

"I admire Miss Elizabeth Talbert very much indeed, but I never really thought of being seriously engaged to her." "Ah!" said I, icily. "And did you think of being frivolously engaged to her?" "I not only thought of it," said Goward, "but I was. It was at the Abercrombies', Mr. Price. Lily that is to say, Aunt Elizabeth " "Excuse me, Mr. Goward," I interrupted.

But the angle was too acute, and just as the twig tightened satisfactorily it snapped, and this time the razor slid out sideways into a single minute puddle that lay on the path. The Major snorted in mirthful impatience. "But " "Kindly let me alone," said Frank icily. "The thing's got to go like this, or not at all."

I love her with a love such beings as you cannot dream of, knowing only the senses and playing only to them. That will be your knowledge always, that I worship and reverence this woman, and hold you in supreme contempt." Harietta writhed and whined on the sofa where she had fallen. "Go," he went on icily. "I have no further use for you, and my car is waiting below.

But you know why I did not wait. It was for your sake." Gloria heard him through with a hard little smile. "Nothing is further from my intention, Mr. Gratton," she told him icily, "than to marry you. Now or ever. Please let us consider the matter closed once and for all." His fingers worked nervously at his sides. Gloria chose the moment to lift her eyes again fleetingly to King's.

The rain beat ceaselessly against the curtained windows; the wild spring wind shrieked through the city streets, icily cold; a bad, black night starless, moonless. The Reverend Raymond Rashleigh gave a little comfortable shiver as he listened to it. It was very pleasant to listen to it in that cozy little room.

"What is all this?" said a deep voice in the door; and Ramona, turning, with a glad cry, saw Alessandro standing there, looking on, with an expression which, even in her own terror and indignation, gave her a sense of dread, it was so icily defiant. He had his hand on his gun. "What is all this?" he repeated. He knew very well.

He knew that it would be quite useless to question his mother further after what she had said. "I am glad that you do not think I have made a mistake in going into this business." "No. I do not think you have made a mistake, and I do not believe that your father will think so either when he knows all about it." "He need not have been so icily discouraging," observed Orsino.

Harbison, because she declared he had a wonderful hand, full of possibilities; she said he should have been a great inventor or a playwright, and that his attitude to women was one of homage, respect, almost reverence. He had the courage to look at me, and if a glance could have killed he would have withered away. When Jimmy proffered his hand, she looked at it icily.

Upon this occasion, however, he was remarkably silent, and answered several times at random as if his thoughts were roving elsewhere: they were not unpleasant ones, apparently, for he smiled twice or thrice to himself, much less icily than usual.