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"I wuzzent up dar close to whar Miss Sarah wuz a readin', but I kinder geddered in dat it wuz one er deze 'ere w'atzisnames w'at you hollers inter one year an it comes out er de udder. Hit's mighty funny unter me how dese fokes kin go an' prognosticate der eckoes inter one er deze yer i'on boxes, an' dar hit'll stay on twel de man comes long an' tu'ns de handle an' let's de fuss come pilin' out.

I guess it's about as bad." Lander glimmered back at the man, but did not speak. "Kind of a machinist down at the Mills, where he come from," the farmer began again, and Mrs. Lander, eager not to be left out of the affair for a moment, interrupted: "Yes, Yes! That's what the gul said." "But he don't seem to think't the i'on agreed with him, and now he's goin' in for wood.

I had my doubts about ghosts and sperrits, and I lost my religion when I cotch our preacher brandin' one of my dappled crumple-horned hefers with his i'on; but Bedney Darrington is a changed pusson. Come en, let's see which of you will dar to laugh up yonder." "Are you really bent on humoring this insane or idiotic vagary?" asked Mr.

I know'd Mr. Prince had stirred round considerable in there, the day before he left, but I didn't know he had drapped the curting what was looped back the last time I was inside. So I went up the steps and clared away a rose vine what was hanging low down from the i'on pillar of the piazzar, and almost screening the door, and I walked up, I did, and looked in. Lord Gawd Amighty!

His three sons were AE'o-lus, Do'rus, and Xu'thus, from the two former of whom are represented to have descended the AEo'lians and Do'rians; and from Achae'us and I'on, sons of Xuthus, the Achae'ans and Io'nians. These four Hellen'ic or Grecian tribes were distinguished from one another by many peculiarities of language and institutions.

I guess it's about as bad." Lander glimmered back at the man, but did not speak. "Kind of a machinist down at the Mills, where he come from," the farmer began again, and Mrs. Lander, eager not to be left out of the affair for a moment, interrupted: "Yes, Yes! That's what the gul said." "But he don't seem to think't the i'on agreed with him, and now he's goin' in for wood.

"Cain' eat nuff'm 'lessen it all gruelly. Man cain' eat nuff'm 'lessen he got teef. Genesis, di'n' I hyuh you tellin' dis white gemmun take caih his teef not bite on no i'on?" William smiled in pity. "I don't need to bother about that, I guess," he said. "I can crack nuts with my teeth." "Yes, suh," said the old man. "You kin now.

"I reckon Albert Matthews' grocery would be the safes' place fu' it. He's got one o' dem i'on saftes." "The very place. Let us go there at once, and after that I will not encroach upon your hospitality longer, but attempt to find a hotel." "Hotel nothin'," said Isaac emphatically. "Ef my house ain't too common, you'll stay right thaih ontwell co't sets." "This is very kind of you, Mr.

I went down before him it made him seem to rush up and he ignored me further. His big flat voice counseled young Verrall "Cut, Teddy! It won't do. The picketa's got i'on bahs. . . ." Feet swayed about me, and some hobnailed miner kicked my ankle and went stumbling. There were shouts and curses, and then everything had swept past me.

De bac'n is ready ter burn up and I 'low that there pan er baby bis'it is done to a turn. De coffee pot done het up de ice water and de ice water done took the 'roma from de coffee. Here I was a passin' compliments on Miss Molly 'bout her swif'ness, and she actin' jes lak Ca'line! De kitchen ain't no place fer spoons, 'less they is i'on spoons to stir up de batter wif.