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"Whatever happens, Lord Highcliffe is safe, high and dry above water mark. Carefully invested, the capital sum may be made to produce an income of four thousand, or thereabouts. Not too much for an earldom, but Ah, well, it might be so much worse." "The servants the small debts this house is there enough for them?" asked Stafford, after a pause. Mr. Chaffinch waved his hand.

Some of us is ruined by this company, and we don't see why we should be sheared while Lord Highcliffe gets off with a cool hundred thousand. I ask the question and I wait for an answer." Stafford rose, his pale, handsome face looking almost white above his black frock-coat and black tie. "Sit down! Don't answer him," said Griffenberg. "It is quite true," he said.

At the close of the visit the Empress returned to Germany, while the Emperor took a much needed rest-cure for three weeks at Highcliffe Castle, a country mansion in Hampshire he rented for the purpose from its owner, Colonel Stuart-Wortley. In the course of this work, it may have been noticed, no particular attention has been devoted to the Emperor in his military capacity.

"It must be; for, come to think of it, a man isn't made a peer simply because he brews good beer; and a great many of our peers were and are good brewers, you see. Oh, it's all right, it pans out very satisfactorily, as the miners say. And so Stafford will be the future Earl of " "Earl of Highcliffe," she said. "He has declined anything less than an earldom. He has given so much.

Stafford Orme lately, Miss Falconer? 'I suppose you mean Lord Highcliffe, Lady Bannerdale? she said, turning her cold, blue eyes on my scarlet face. 'He is in Australia, and is well. I do not hear very often from him.

"I hope you are satisfied, gentlemen," he said, with as much emotion as a city man can permit himself. "Lord Highcliffe has behaved like a gentleman, like a nobleman. I can assure you that his sacrifice is a real one. The deed of gift which he has surrendered is a perfectly sound one, and could not have been touched. All honour to him for his surrender, for his generosity."

"I can see the good news in your face." "Not Sir Stephen Lord Highcliffe!" said another, correctingly. Maude slid her arm in Stafford's, and stood, her lovely face flushed, her eyes sparkling, as she looked round. "And no title has been more honourably gained," a voice said. "Or will be more nobly borne!" echoed another.

Here he is, layin' his hand on 'Willie's' shoulder. Bearse, the All-American half-back last year. "Gabe's mouth fell open. 'Not "Bung" Bearse, of Yarvard! he sings out. 'Why! "'Of course, father! purrs his daughter, smilin' and happy. 'I knew him at once. He and I were er slightly acquainted when I was at Highcliffe. "'But but "Bung" Bearse! gasps the old gent. 'Why, you rascal!

Howard, as he restored it to her, seized the opportunity of looking her full in the face, and assurance was made doubly sure. This girl did hold his friend Stafford's happiness in her hand. Ida was silent for a moment, because she knew she could not control her voice, could not keep it steady; then, with a quickened breath, she said: "Yes, I knew Mr. Orme Lord Highcliffe."

Someone high in authority suggested the idea of a public funeral, through Howard, whom alone Stafford saw, but Stafford declined the honour, and the first Earl of Highcliffe was carried to his last rest as quietly as circumstances would permit.