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The ring passed from one to the other, and the girls regarded it thoughtfully. "Which proves beyond the shadow of a doubt," said Betty at last, "that Adolph Hensler was the thief." "Oh, if we could only have stopped him!" mourned Amy, for perhaps the eleventh time. "It's terrible to be so close and then lose sight of him again."

Certain Eastern nations, it is said, still reckon but three months to the year; this substantiates the opinion of Hensler, and, as Hufeland says, it would be inexplicable why the life of man should be shortened nearly one-half immediately after the flood.

"We fellows decided that our friend, Adolph Hensler, might have some mistaken longings for the code letter he dropped, and might follow us and try to steal it back. So we thought we'd set a trap for him by keeping watch, turn and turn about, in such a position that he couldn't possibly see us."

However, nothing else happened to disturb the calm of a perfect summer night, and a few minutes later they landed at the pier, and hastily fastened the canoes. "Now for a light and the contents of that letter," cried Will, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "We'll soon find out whether Mr. Adolph Hensler was a regular, honest-to-goodness spy, or just an impostor.

And so excited were the girls, that they forgot even to wonder until it was all over. Adolph Hensler was not easy to handle, even after he found himself looking into the muzzles of two loaded revolvers. Even then he tried to escape and the guard was forced to shoot a couple of bullets over his head before he was scared into submission.

He promised Mme Hensler to live, and try to accomplish his Amelia's wishes, and she, by her kindly influence, won him to something more. She saw that to him a lonely life was nearly impossible, and she had another partner in store for him Gretchen Hensler, a niece of her late husband.

Most unfortunately, the valuable series of his letters to his father was destroyed by fire a short time before his own death; but the account given of him by Mme Hensler is quite sufficient to connect all that remains; and from this, and one or two other sources open to us, we shall try to fill up our present narrative.

Paulus aegenita discusses the disease. The Arabian writers have described elephantiasis graecorum under the name of juzam, which their translators have rendered by the word lepra. Later, Hensler, Fernel Pare, Vesalius, Horstius, Forestus, and others have discussed it. The statistics of leprosy in Europe pale before the numbers affected in the East.

It proved, by the way, that Adolph Hensler is one of the most dangerous and most wanted German spies in this country." "And what else?" cried Mollie, who could never wait for the end of a story. "The clever part of it," Allen continued, leaning forward, very handsome and eager in the firelight, "was Will's copying of the handwriting on the envelope." "Sure," chuckled Roy.

"Oh, I don't know," defended Betty, putting an arm about Grace, and starting for the door. "Grace believes in quality more than quantity. She may not knit as much as the rest of us, but she does it twice as well." Grace laughed and hugged her friend as they ran down the stairs together. "That's worth my lavallière, Betty," she said. "If Adolph Hensler hadn't gotten it first, I'd will it to you!"