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Green stood still to watch him go. Then he swore through his teeth, and beckoned one of those whose acquaintance he had disclaimed. "'Tis like him, ecod! to have gone in in spite of seeing me and you! He's cool! Damned cool! But he'll be cooler yet, codso!" Then, briskly questioning his satellite: "Is Sir Richard within, Jerry?" "Ay," answered Jerry a rough, heavily-built tatterdemalion.

But he remembered how his mother, a stout, heavily-built old woman in a lace cap, used to go out into the garden in the morning, followed by her companion with the lap-dog; how she used to shout in a peremptory way to the gardener and the servants, and how proud and haughty her face was he remembered all this and scratched out the word he had written.

They had followed up a grass ride into a copse, thinking it would bring them out somewhere, but it led only to the brink of a deep little stream, where the plank bridge had been removed, so they were obliged to retrace their steps. As they re-emerged into the field from the copse, a large heavily-built man on a brown mare almost rode into them.

The tall and well-dressed young man with short hair pushed up and said: "Don't want it? Put her up again. G ! I'd like another chance myself!" A heavily-built fellow with one eye, observed over the auctioneer's shoulder, with an evil look at the divine, "D d if I don't believe that cuss is a gambler, come in here to fool us country-folks. They allus wears white neckcloths.

"If we could find out what is true, or what Loristan thinks is true, we should have a clue to work from," she said. "We have not much time," the man whispered. "We are ordered to Bosnia at once. Before midnight we must be on the way." "Let us go into the other room. He is coming." When Marco entered the room, the heavily-built man with the pointed dark beard was standing by the easy-chair.

He was followed by his friend Brookfield, a heavily-built, lurching sort of man, with a nose reddened by strong drink, and small lascivious eyes which glittered dully in his head like the eyes of poisonous tropical beetle.

When more than half way up he caught sight of a tall, heavily-built, red-faced man, who had apparently emerged from the larger room, and who was just on the point of opening the door of the back bedroom. "Who are you, you scoundrel?" exclaimed Mr. H. The man apparently neither saw nor heard him, but opened the door with tranquil unconcern and passed into the room. Mr.

A carriage had driven to his door, and two heavily-built men were lounging at the gate. Blake, wild with nervousness and wrath, was making slow progress with his dressing, and Ray took from him the little hand-bag he was bunglingly striving to pack. "I'll do this, Blake. You go on with your dressing. Of course I understand you mean to go in with me; but now let me say a word.

It was clear enough that the visitor had not come alone, and that Mr. Van Torp had been overpowered. The lady bit her salmon-coloured lip angrily and contemptuously. A moment later a tall heavily-built man with thick fair hair, a long moustache, and shifty blue eyes, rushed into the room and did not stop till there was only the small table between him and the lady. 'I've caught you!

Two men standing on the Cathedral hill, watched the procession gradually ascending one tall and heavily-built, with a dark leonine head made more massive-looking by its profusion of thick and unmanageable hair the other lean and narrow-shouldered, with a peaked reddish-auburn beard, which he continually pulled and twitched at nervously as though its growth on his chin was more a matter of vexation than convenience.