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Updated: August 14, 2024

There'll be a bit got hin, if we've good luck. And he says, 'Eh, ye may be raight, there's noo tallin', he says, and I knowed by that" here Mr. Casson gave a wink "as he didn't come from a hundred mile off. I daresay he'd think me a hodd talker, as you Loamshire folks allays does hany one as talks the right language." "The right language!" said Bartle Massey, contemptuously.

The spook of a cook carn't reach the spook of a baron there hany more than a scullery-maid can reach a markis 'ere. H'I tried that when the baron died and came over to the hother world, but 'e 'ad 'is spook flunkies on 'and to tell me 'e was hout drivin' with the ghost of William the Conqueror and the shide of Solomon. H'I knew 'e wasn't, but what could h'I do?"

"No taikers," retorted the ghost, as the bullets whistled through her chest, and struck deep into the wall on the other side of the kitchen. "That's a noisy gun you've got, but you carn't ly a ghost with cold lead hany more than you can ly a corner-stone with a chicken. H'I'm 'ere to sty until I gets me waiges."

Peagrum, that's my name, fust shop round the corner as you go into Silver Street, plumber and sanitry hengineer, gas-fittin' and hartistic decorating, bell-'anging in all its branches. I received instructions from Mr. Jones that I was to look into a little matter o' leakage in the back-kitchen sink; also to see what taps, if hany, required seein' to, and gen'ally to put things straight like.

"I ham villing, Captain Vilson, to make hany hallowance for the eat of political discussion but that is not hall that I ave to complain hof. Mr Easy thought proper to say that I was a swindler and a liar." "Did you make use of those expressions, Mr Easy?" "Yes, sir, he did," continued the steward, "and, moreover, told me not to cheat the men, and not to cheat my master the purser.

Billy Breen shuffled out to the front, and, in a voice shaking with nervousness and emotion, began to speak, his large, coarse hands wandering tremulously about. 'Parson, 'ee says is it wisky or no wisky in this 'ere club? Once oi could mine more coal than hany man in the camp; now oi hain't fit to be a sorter.

We stood there, with this letter in our hands, looking it over. "You say you don't know where this dog's been?" says I. "Oh, no, sir; quite the contrary. I don't doubt he's often been through the ahum! ahum! "Well, how often has he been through the ahum, William?" says I. "What made you let him go? You know it's against orders." "Hi am quite hinnocent of hany hinfraction of my duties," says he.

"If you please, Captain Vilson, I am wery sorry to be obliged to make hany complaint of hany hofficer, but this Mr Heasy thought proper to make use of language quite hunbecoming of a gentleman, and then to kick me as I vent down the atchvay." "Well, Mr Easy, is this true?" "Yes, sir," replied Jack; "I have several times told the fellow not to address himself to me, and he will.

Ven they meets hagain she'll thank him with heyes an' 'and, better than hany vords 'ere hon the street. He vas too bright a chap to take his thanks in this 'ere public place." To their surprise, Mildred raised her head, and replied, in strong protest, "You do him wrong, Mrs. Wheaton. He was so modest and manly that he wished to escape all thanks.

"Ah, that's very well, Aby; but you did not see him." "Do you think that would make hany difference? When a man's a job of work to do, 'e should do it. Them's my notions. Do you think a man like that is to go and hact in that way, and then not pay for it? Whose wife is she, I'd like to know?"

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