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As some atonement to the world for the loss of the Speech in the House of Commons, this second master-piece of eloquence on the same subject has been preserved to us in a Report, from the short-hand notes of Mr. Gurney, which was for some time in the possession of the late Duke of Norfolk, but was afterwards restored to Mr. Sheridan, and is now in my hands.

The perturbation through the country which their failure caused in the end, shows how diffused and how unimpaired their popular reputation was. The catastrophe came because at the change the partners in the old private firmthe Gurney family especiallyhad guaranteed the new company against the previous losses: those losses turned out to be much greater than was expected.

But although I was astir with the first signs of the coming dawn, I found, upon going out on deck, that Gurney and Saunders were before me.

"That's exactly what I want to know, Alden," Gurney confessed miserably, "and I've crossed the continent to get your advice. I haven't very many real friends the kind I can open my heart to " "Tut, tut, Joe. Enough of vain repining. Now then, old friend, let's get to the bottom of this thing and see if we can't buy this wreck in from the underwriters, salvage it and put it in commission again.

It was boyish weakness. He choked it out of thought on Sundays as sacrilege: how could he talk of the Gurney house and Lizzy to that almighty, infinite Vagueness he worshipped? Stalking to and fro, in the outskirts of the churchyard, he used to watch the flutter of the little girl's white dress, as she passed by to "meeting."

I suppose you figure it out that now I got a SON-IN-LAW, I mightn't need a son! Yes, I got a son-in-law now a spender!" "Oh, put your hand back!" said Gurney, wearily. There was a bronze inkstand upon the table. Sheridan put his right hand in the sling, but with his left he swept the inkstand from the table and half-way across the room a comet with a destroying black tail. Mrs.

I ask you." "No, father," said Bibbs, gently. Sheridan looked at Gurney and then faced his son once more. "Bibbs, you want to stay in the shop, do you, at nine dollars a week, instead of takin' up my offer?" "Yes, sir." "And I'd like the doctor to hear: What'll you do if I decide you're too high-priced a workin'-man either to live in my house or work in my shop?" "Find other work," said Bibbs.

"You lie, Rupert Gurney," says I, quite calm and cold, as I drew out my own pistols and stood facing him. "'Tis you are the spy, in the service of a vile, treacherous, Moorish tyrant, to whom you would betray your countrymen."

"Oh, I thought it had been the ghost," said Gurney, somewhat relieved, for that fat little Jack-tar fully believed in apparitions, and always listened to a ghost story in fear and trembling. "No it wasn't the ghost; it was the stump of a tree. Well, I set sail again, an' presently I sees a great white thing risin' up ahead o' me." "Hah! that was it," whispered Gurney.

If that is all, we are quite satisfied, and feel perfectly safe in having you for a librarian.’ Am I not justified in saying that at one time Bungay influences reached far and near? Great Yarmouth NonconformistsIntellectual lifeDawson TurnerAstley CooperHudson GurneyMrs. Bendish.