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It don't seem that way to me. I sort of see it all doing. The day Alec's to be shot up by Shaunbaum's gunmen gets around. That morning Murray pulls out north. Then comes night. He sneaks back. I seem to see Murray sitting around in one of the boxes opposite us. Maybe he came in quietly amongst the crowd. He keeps close in that box, hidden. He watches. His eye is on the gun-men.

There was a venomous note in his voice when he finally answered: "The other day your father was speaking to me about gun-men. I told him that Dakota would do anything for money." A slow red appeared in Sheila's cheeks, mounted to her temples, disappeared entirely and was succeeded by a paleness.

"It was a beautiful forenoon when we commenced to move forward. All nature seemed to be waiting in silent expectation of the issue of our hunt, and not a sound was heard, the strictest silence having been enjoined upon all. Rich tropical vegetation hung in graceful lines and festoons from the cliffs on either side, but there was no sign of the gun-men concealed there. The sun was "

They ought to have been ashamed too, playin' gun-men in a British peer's park! I took big chances startin' her without controls, but 'twas a dead still night an' a clear run you saw it across the Theatre into the park, and I prayed she'd rise before she hit high timber. I set her all I dared for a quick lift. I told Mankeltow that if I gave her too much nose she'd be liable to up-end and flop.

And these intrepid men in the scarlet tunic did their duty so well that the world learned a new lesson by seeing policemen preserving order without killing anyone where it could be avoided, even at the cost of their own lives. The Mounted Police know how to use their "guns," but they never in all their history degenerated into "gun-men."

Say, Dook, if you don't git rustled off to Mexico an' roped to a cactus-bush you'll hev a swell story fer your English chums. Bah Jove! You'll tell 'em how you seen two old-time gun-men run like scared jack-rabbits from a lot of Greasers. Like hell you will! Unless you lie like the time you told about proddin' the lion. That there story allus "

When you've finished you can give 'em a little pillow-fighting." "What does the single cannon on those men's sleeves mean?" I asked. "That they're big gun-men, who've done time with the Fleet," Bayley returned. "Any F.S. corps that has over twenty per cent big-gun men thinks itself entitled to play 'A Life on the Ocean Wave' when it's out of hearing of the Navy." "What beautiful stuff they are!

"It's a fine house, Chudge, and was assessed." "Yes go file your papers," snapped the magistrate. "You can report back to your station house, officer. There is no charge against this girl she is merely held as material witness. She'll never testify. She's discharged. Take my advice, Burke, and play safe with these gun-men.

And if hints and winks count for anything with him he knows who it was that killed Meacham. He says he was hit from behind. I've tried everything, Denver, to make that Dutchman talk or put something down on paper; but he's scared so bad of Murray, and mebbe of his gun-men, that he won't say a word, unless he's drunk.

"Then why did you offer Shanks a job?" Jim smiled. "In order to have him where he could be watched. A fellow like that is dangerous when he's out of sight." "Shanks and his son are bad men," Jake agreed. "We have sand-baggers and gun-men in Canada, but they get after you for money and their methods are up to date. Shanks' savageness is half-instinctive, like the Indian's.