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Updated: August 7, 2024

And Little Ant Red she used to tell how Ant Black was so graspin' she tried to carry that cider-press off and hide it in her hole. "They had all the neighbors takin' sides. There was a yellow-back spider. He took up for Ant Red; he hoped to get a taste of her, and Ant Black he knowed was big enough to bite him unless he was mighty soople in wrappin' the web around her.

"Wall, if it is too late I am not to blame. I've warned you. Farewell," sez he, a graspin' holt of Josiah's hand. "Farewell, forever. But if you do live," sez he, "if by a miricle you are saved, remember the Live-forever spring. If there is any help for you it is in them waters." And he dashed away, for another stranger wuz approachin' the seen.

'N' I guess I c'n talk her down I 'll try good 'n' hard, I know that. 'N' 'f she sh'd put me beyond all patience, I 'll jus' make no bones about it, but get right up 'n' smash her flat with her own letter o' fifty years ago. I don't believe nobody c'd put on airs in the face o' their own name signed to bein' saved from want by the kind, graspin' hand o' my dead 'n' gone father."

We ain't goin' to be ground under by no graspin' mono'ly, we ain't, an' yer' goin' to know it fust as last." "There is no grasping monopoly in it," said Percival impatiently. "We have a right from the railroad to make our surveys and we are going to make 'em. I don't believe there is a farm within ten miles and you don't look like farmers."

Captain Hocken he's a humane gentleman, too, and never graspin' no, never in his life! but I suppose he'd begun to get interested, Captain Hocken ups and suggests as they were wastin' time, mixin' table-salt and water when there was the wide ocean itself overside, to be had for the dippin'. So they tried sea-water." "My poor Pammy."

Oh, for one thousands strong, good mans to aid the General De Vega that he shall to his country bring those success and glory! It is hard oh, so hard to find good mans to help in the work. "'Monseer, says I, leanin' over the table and graspin' his hand, 'I don't know where your country is, but me heart bleeds for it. The heart of a Clancy was never deaf to the sight of an oppressed people.

"Mis' Cullom," said David solemnly, "you know, an' I know, that I've got the repitation of bein' a hard, graspin', schemin' man. Mebbe I be. Mebbe I've ben hard done by all my hull life, an' have had to be; an' mebbe, now 't I've got ahead some, it's got to be second nature, an' I can't seem to help it.

"Must say like your style fine an' generous, free-handed hospital . . . hospital . . . hospitality. Credit to you. Nothin' base 'n graspin' in your make-up. As I was sayin' " But just then the faro dealer slammed the door. The three laughed happily on the stoop. They laughed for a long time. Then Mucluc Charley essayed speech. "Funny laughed so hard ain't what I want to say.

As I see this, and not knowin' what would ensue and take place in her clothin', I cast onto the wind my own fears, and the shrinkin' timidity of my sect, and graspin' my umbrell in my hand, I run along by the side of the lofty quadreped, a-tryin' to reach up and fix her a little. But I could not; her position wuz too lofty, the mount wuz too precipitous on which she sot.

He didn't seem any ways graspin'. I don't want Lyddy should feel, any more than you do, Maria, that we're glad to have her go. But what I look at is this: as long as she has this idea Well, it's like this I d'know as I can express it, either." He relapsed into the comfort people find in giving up a difficult thing. "Oh, I know!" returned the woman.

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